• Address 110 State St, Harrisburg, PA
  • Email music@MaterDeiPA.com
  • Phone (717) 889-4217

Mater Dei Choristers

The Mater Dei Chorister program is part of our extended Religious Education curriculum. We currently have about 80 Choristers (ages 7-18) who meet on Friday mornings for class. The students learn sacred music philosophy (e.g. the purpose of sacred music, and concepts from St. Pius X’s “Tra Le Sollecitudini”), staff reading (both Chant and modern notation), and they learn hymns and chants to sing for two Masses per semester.

Boys whose voices have changed make up the “Acolyte Schola,” and they help to sing the Ordinary of the Mass (Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei) throughout the year.