The men's schola sings Gregorian Chant for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Each Mass has specific ``propers`` (introit, gradual, alleluia/tract, offertory, and communion) which are beautiful, melismatic chants integral to the Mass itself. The schola sings these, and sings with the Mixed Choir for the ordinary of the Mass (kyrie, gloria, credo, sanctus, agnus Dei), hymns, and polyphonic works.
The Mixed Choir sings the ordinary of the Mass (kyrie, gloria, credo, sanctus, agnus dei), and leads congregational hymns, often in four parts (SATB). They also sing polyphonic motets to adorn the Mass, including works by Palestrina, Victoria, Byrd, DuFay, and others. Our choir currently has around 20 voices, including paid professional section leaders for each voice part, and is constantly growing, learning, and striving for musical excellence.
Section Leaders:
Soprano: Vacant
Alto: Elizabeth Gearhart
Tenor: Sonny Albright
Bass: Vacant