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Trinity Sunday

June 16, 2019

Coffee & Donuts

We will have coffee & donuts in the downstairs Social Hall following the 10am Mass.

Girls’ Junior Sodality Meeting

This month’s Junior Sodality will be today, June 17th after the 10am Mass on the top floor in Classroom 2.  This is the other top floor classroom.  All young ladies age 9 through high school are welcome and encouraged to attend.  Any questions, please contact Jill Lear at

Knights of the Altar

There will not be a meeting of the Knights of the Altar today, June 16.  Instead the annual promotion ceremony will be held immediately after the 10am Mass on Sunday, June 30.

Fr. John Killackey

Our newly assigned assistant chaplain, Fr. Killacky, FSSP will be arriving on July 6. Originally from Wayne NJ, Fr. Killackey graduated from Christendom in 2011 and taught school for two years before discerning his call to the priesthood. He was ordained on May 24, 2019.

Upcoming Sacred Music Conference

On Tuesday, June 25, Rick Wheeler will give a conference on the Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Sacred Music, exploring the ideas of what makes sacred music "sacred." Mr. Wheeler, who will be visiting Mater Dei the week of 6/24 as a guest instructor for our children's Chant Camp, is the Director of Music at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Littleton, CO, and regularly gives parish conferences on sacred music topics. This conference is open to adults and well-mannered youth, and will be held in Classroom 1 at 7pm. Please enter via the side glass doors on Buttonwood Street. Light refreshments will be provided.

Seminarian Matthew Kane at Mater Dei

Matthew Kane will be with us for two weeks in June and two weeks in August for his summer apostolate. He has just completed his first year of philosophy at Our Lady of Guadeloupe Seminary in Denton, NE.

St. Jude Devotion

This Wednesday night we will have our St. Jude devotion with the following schedule:

  • 6pm - Holy Hour with Benediction
  • 7pm - Low Mass with Hymns
  • Following Mass - Prayers & Litany to St. Jude & veneration of St. Jude relic.

Father’s Day Mass Novena Begins Today

The Father’s Day Mass Novena begins today and ends on Monday, June 24.

End of Choir Season

Next Sunday, June 23, will the be last Sunday of Choir season. Throughout the summer, the 10am Sunday Mass will be a Low Mass with hymns. The choir will resume singing the first Sunday of September. We thank the choir members for their dedication to the Sacred Liturgy and the beauty that they add.

Eucharistic Procession for Corpus Christi

Following the 10am Mass next Sunday there will be  a procession with the Blessed Sacrament around the Church. The procession will stop at an altar in the courtyard before concluding back in the church.

Fr. Franco Farewell Party

We will have a farewell potluck for Fr. Franco on his last day with us before he is transferred to our Apostolate in Richmond, Virginia— Sunday June 30, following the 10am Mass. Grilled bratwursts and hamburgers will be provided. A sign up sheet is in the back of the church for additional items needed. Please join us and sign up to bring a dish!

  • 11am Potluck / (K of A Promotions)
  • 1pm Clean up
  • 1:30pm Sung Vespers