Coffee and Donuts - All are welcome to join us after the 10AM Mass for coffee and donuts. Enter via the door on the side alley.
Children Chant Opportunity - From August 1 - 5 there will be an opportunity for children to learn to sing Gregorian Chant and other Sacred Music at Mater Dei. The weeklong event will be lead by Jonathan Kader-Kallen. Details and registration forms are available in the back of Church. Registration will be after both Masses today in the Church vestibule.
Baby Bottle Fundraiser - We are in the midst of a fundraiser for Undefeated Courage, a local Pro-Life group. The funds raised will assist Undefeated Courage in purchasing a mobile ultrasound unit. Empty baby bottles are in the back of church to be taken home and filled with loose change, cash, or a check, and then returned to the church by the end of June. Please place returned bottles on the table beside the piano in the back of the church.
Rosary after 10AM Mass - For the month of July, a Rosary will be offered approximately 10 minutes after the 10am Mass has finished. Depending on popularity this Rosary may or may not continue after July.
Friday Evening Mass Time - Please note that the Friday evening Mass & Adoration schedule will be altered on July 8th.
All other Fridays will follow the regular schedule of 5:30pm Mass followed by Adoration until 7:15pm.
Children Co-op Classes - As we did last year, Mater Dei will again offer Friday afternoon classes and continue the Chorister Program for children. The first class day will be September 9th. Registration for these will be on July 24th. Please contact Fr. Eichman with any questions.
Please Dress Modestly - As we enter the warmer months of the year, it is a good time for a reminder on modest attire. While at the church, please dress modestly. For both men and women:
These are the rules for dressing at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Please follow them when at St. Lawrence. Remember that we dress at church not for our own comfort, but to present ourselves to Our Lord. Finally: Please do not correct anyone on their attire. If you do not approve of someone’s attire, please speak to a priest about it and he will approach the person if necessary.
That the greatness and charity of God is shown in the Blessed Sacrament:
Trusting in Thy goodness and great mercy, O Lord, I draw near, the sick to the Healer, the hungering and thirsting to the Fountain of life, the poverty-stricken to the King of heaven, he servant to the Lord, the creature to the Creator, the desolate to my own gentle Comforter.
But whence is this unto me, that Thou comest unto me? Who am I that Thou shouldest offer me Thyself? How doth a sinner dare to appear before Thee? And how dost thou vouchsafe to come to the sinner? Thou knowest Thy servant, and Thou knowest that he hath in him no good thing for which Thou shouldest grant him this grace. I confess therefore mine own vileness, I acknowledge Thy goodness, I praise Thy tenderness, and I give Thee thanks for Thine exceeding great love. For Thou doest this for Thine own sake, not for my merits, that Thy goodness may be more manifest unto me, Thy charity more abundantly poured out upon me, and Thy humility more perfectly commended unto me. Therefore because this pleaseth Thee and Thou hast commanded that thus it shall be, Thy condescension pleaseth me also; and oh that mine iniquity hinder it not.
O most sweet and tender Jesus, what reverence, what giving of thanks is due to Thee with perpetual praise for the receiving of Thy sacred Body and Blood, the dignity whereof no man is found able to express. But what shall I think upon in this Communion in approaching my Lord, whom I am not able worthily to honour, and nevertheless whom I long devoutly to receive? What shall be better and more healthful meditation for me, than utter humiliation of myself before Thee, and exaltation of Thine infinite goodness towards me? I praise Thee, O my God, and exalt Thee for evermore. I despise myself, and cast myself down before Thee into the deep of my vileness.
Behold, Thou art the Saint of saints and I the refuse of sinners; behold, Thou stoopest unto me who am not worthy to look upon Thee; behold, Thou comest unto me, Thou willest to be with me, Thou invitest me to Thy feast. Thou willest to give me the heavenly food and bread of angels to eat; none other, in truth, than Thyself, The living bread, which didst descend from heaven; and givest life to the world.
Imitation of Christ Bk 4 Chpt 2