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Resumed 6th Sunday after Epiphany

November 14, 2021


As you know, Bishop Gainer has done very much for our Latin Mass Community here at St. Lawrence, and to commemorate that work, and to show his affection and care for the people here, he plans to visit our Parish on Saturday, Dec. 18, offer a Solemn Pontifical Mass, and to install Fr. Smith as Pastor. We are also delighted that Fr. Gregory Eichman, FSSP, our former chaplain, will come to assist the bishop on this visit. This will be another great day in our parish’s life as the bishop commemorates the work that the Lord has done here since this community was established in 1988.

As bishop, Bp. Gainer is one of the successors of the apostles and pastor of all the souls in the diocese. All of the priests throughout the diocese assist him by taking care of the various parishes, but only insofar as they have been authorized and sent by him, as St. Paul says: “And how shall they hear, without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they be sent?” (Rom. 10:14-15). We are very grateful not only for what our bishop has done for us, but also that he continues to take care of those in his flock who love the traditional Latin Mass. We expect a large number of people to come to this Saturday morning Mass, and we plan to provide parking at the parking garage that day, as well as to have a reception afterwards.

Spiritual Bouquet for Bishop Gainer and his Intentions:

We invite you and your family to participate in a spiritual bouquet that we are organizing for Bishop Gainer. Please write down some spiritual offering (one Rosary, one Holy Communion, a Holy Hour, etc.) that you will make for the bishop, and perhaps include some words of thanks, and we will collect them from the whole parish and deliver them to him soon. Please submit them in an envelope marked “spiritual bouquet for Bishop Gainer” to the office (either in person, via post, or via the collection). We will open the envelopes and organize them before we submit them.

Introducing Exposition and Benediction on Sunday evenings:

Beginning  today, Nov. 14, we will adjust the Sunday evening schedule as follows: Sung Vespers every Sunday at 5 pm; Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament between Vespers and Mass; Mass at 6 pm (as currently). Confessions will take place during Exposition and Benediction, and will end at the beginning of Mass.

Registration at Mater Dei:

The Chaplain and Assistant Chaplain have the special grace to guide those who are registered parishioners and are hence assigned to their care. The Mass offered for the people every Sunday, Pro Populo, is offered for those who are registered members. Anyone seeking the Sacraments of Baptism, 1st Communion, Confirmation and Matrimony here must be registered and active parishioners for 6 months. Registration forms are available on our website

Seminary Burse Collection:

Today, Nov. 14, there will be a 2nd Collection for the Seminary Burse, which supports the FSSP Seminarians.

Matthew 25 Collection:

Next Sunday, Nov. 21,  there will be a 2nd Collection for Matthew 25 which helps the needy in our Diocese.

Calling all Mothers (and Would-be Mothers):

Fr. Joseph Tuscan, OFM Cap., will give a conference after Mass on Saturday, Nov. 20, for women interested in the Confraternity of Christian Mothers. Under the special patronage of the “Mother of Sorrows”, members are encouraged to undertake the important task of training and sanctifying the young souls entrusted to their care. They support one another by word, deed, and prayer and thus become the mainstay of the spiritual life within their own family and a blessing to the community in which they live. The Confraternity is an excellent way to meet other women in the parish. Membership is open to all adult women: married or single, with or without children. Come to the meeting following Mass on Nov. 20, enjoy a light breakfast, and learn about this traditional Confraternity of the Church, started in 1850.

Young Adults:

For any young adults (ages 18-35) interested, the Mater Dei Young Adult Group will be meeting after the 11am Mass on today. Sunday, Nov. 14, at Squeaky Rail Diner ( 505 N Enola Rd, Enola, PA 17025) to have brunch together.  We will meet there around 1pm.  For further information about the St. Lawrence Young Adult Group, email Fr. Killackey at

Openings in the Choir at St. Lawrence:

The choir has openings for additional dedicated volunteers and three qualified section leaders. Members are expected to be available for Thursday evening rehearsals, Sunday 11 am Masses throughout the year, and for other important Feast Days as notified. Volunteers with previous choral experience are preferred, but those with strong desire may be considered at the discretion of the Music Director. Section Leader positions are available for Soprano, Alto, and Tenor; all applicants must audition and demonstrate strong vocal musicianship. Inquiries can be directed to Paul Thomas May at

Details on Parking:

Thank you for your patience in using our new parking arrangement at the South Street Garage. Some people had difficulty and ended up having to pay. If this happened to you, please provide us the last four digits of your card (or an image of the parking ticket instead), and the garage will reimburse you. If for some reason it does not work you can call (717) 238-0496 and get a local person who can open the gate for you.

Expectant  Mothers:

If you are expecting a child and registered in the Community, please let us know so we can put  your expected date in our date book and rejoice with your family! Please notify us at

Thanksgiving Food Drive:

The Holy Name Society is sponsoring the annual Thanksgiving Food Drive benefitting the Silence of Mary Homes. The collection of the grocery bags will be today Sunday, November 14 and 21.  (Silence of Mary  does their dinner giveaway on Friday, November 19.) Any questions, contact Chris Keifer. (717-856-7537)

St. Lawrence Youth Group:

The Youth Group will be conducting our annual pro-life campaign for Women's Care Center in York, which supports mothers and babies in need. When: Before and after all Masses today, November 14.  Where: In the vestibule of St. Lawrence Church. Please bring your new/unwrapped donation today. November  14. Our Youth Group will be delivering the items on November 20, when we conduct volunteer work at their facility. Sample items include : Newborn/0-3 month short sleeve onesies, Newborn/0-6 mos. socks, Boy receiving blankets, Advent or Dr. Brown baby bottles, Newborn diapers, Boy 12 mos. Sleepers, Girl outfits 0-3/3-6/6-9 mos., Infant toys. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Book--Sales Table:

We are now making available for sale two publications: a hand missal, and the monthly publication Benedictus. Both are designed to help the Faithful to assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and provide all of the prayers, as well as additional commentary. The monthly publication Benedictus can be borrowed for use at the church or it can be purchased at our new book-sales table, which will be available after the 9 am and 11 am Masses.

Bulletin Deadline Announcements for the Bulletin should be sent to by 9am on the Monday prior to that week’s bulletin.  Thank you.

The Confraternity of St. Peter:

The Confraternity of St. Peter is a group established to support the FSSP and its charism through prayers and sacrifices.  The people in this group pray a decade of the Rosary and special Confraternity prayer every day, and also have one Mass per year said for supporting vocations, the sanctification of priests and their pastoral endeavors.  If you are interested in joining this Confraternity, you can find more information here:

Parish-wide Total Consecration to Our Lady Invitation:

The Preparation began on November 5 and will end with the Consecration December 8, which is the patronal feast of the United States. Though this preparation will be done by individuals/families privately, we will recite this consecration publicly as a parish after the Masses we have on the Immaculate Conception.  If you have any questions, please