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Pentecost Sunday

May 20, 2018

Coffee & Donuts - Join us after the 10am Mass today for Coffee and Donuts in the Social Hall downstairs.

 Promotion Ceremony for Knights of the Altar - Today shortly after the 10am Mass the Knights of the Altar will receive their promotions.  This year’s ceremony will have more pomp than in years past and will include all of the servers processing and recessing down the main aisle accompanied by organ.  They will receive their promotions from one of the priests at the altar steps.  The beautiful ceremony is only about 10 minutes long.  All are welcome to attend.

 Chant Camp—This Summer: Sign Up Today - This summer we will host a chant camp led by Patrick Torsell July 30 - August 3.  Its purpose is to teach children (ages 7—18) with unchanged voices to chant.  Each day will also include sports and games.  All registration information is available on our website, or you can sign up at the table in the front of church following  both Masses this morning.  After today, registration will be opened up to non-parishioners.  Direct any questions to Patrick Torsell at

New Hymnals - Seeking Benefactor - After researching the possibilities, we are pursuing the purchase of St. Edmund Campion missal/hymnals to replace the hymnals currently in the pews. Since it is designed specifically for the Latin Mass, this hymnal provides not only an excellent selection of good Catholic hymns, but also all of the Gregorian kyriales, along with a full missal and beautiful photos and explanations of the actions of the Mass.  Purchasing a sufficient number of hymnals would require a significant investment ($3,000 for the bare minimum - $6,500 for the ideal number).  If you are interested in assisting financially or would like to see a copy of the hymnal please see Fr. Eichman.

 Church Cleaning — Volunteers Needed - We are in need of at least seven additional volunteers to assist with cleaning the church once per month, either a Friday evening or Saturday morning.  If you can sacrifice this time for your Church, please contact Elaine Rainey at

2nd Collection - Pentecost Collection - There is a second collection today for the support of Priests, Deacons and Seminarians of the Harrisburg Diocese.

 Modest Dress - As we enter the warmer months of the year, it is a good time for a reminder on modest attire.  While at the church, please dress modestly.  For both men and women:

  • Pants and skirts are long enough that the knees are covered when sitting.
  • The shoulders are covered.
  • No plunging necklines.
  • Clothing is not tight. Clothing is to conceal, not reveal.

These are the rules for dressing at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.  Please follow them when at St. Lawrence.  Remember that we dress at church not for our own comfort, but to present ourselves to Our Lord.  Finally: Please do not correct anyone on their attire.  If you do not approve of someone’s attire, speak to a priest about it and he will approach the person if necessary.

 Pilgrimage to Washington, DC - Join FSSP Seminarians on the Fr. Buckley Pilgrimage to Washington DC as they do penance for their sins, and the sins of the Nation. A group from Mater Dei will leave Wednesday, May 30 and return late on Saturday, June 2. A registration form is online or in the back of church. The deadline for registration is May 20. Email Fr. Franco if you have any questions:

Charitable Bequests - Many of the Church’s most helpful gifts come from the estates of generous donors.  As we at Mater Dei look ahead to our future challenges we ask you to please remember Mater Dei in your will or living trust.  Contact Fr Eichman with any questions.

Warm Weather Reminder - As the warmer weather returns transients will increase.  Remember that if any needy person approaches you at St. Lawrence requesting money or another type of material aid, do not give them any. Instead, direct them to one of the priests.  They know the regulars in the neighborhood and what nature of assistance they need.