Stations of the Cross
Our Friday evening schedule during Lent will be adjusted to include Stations of the Cross.
Palm Sunday—Palms
Palms will only be blessed and distributed at the 12 Noon Solemn High Mass on Palm Sunday. Palms will be available for pickup in the church throughout the week after Palm Sunday while supplies last.
Diocesan Annual Campaign
Pledge cards for the Diocesan Annual Campaign are in the back of the Church. You can fill out the pledge card and place it in the Collection basket or mail it to the office. The community must cover our assessed goal. Anything in excess remains with Mater Dei. Thank you for your generosity.
Sunday Sports
For any families interested, Fr. Killackey will be leading a rotation of different sports on Sundays starting at 12:30pm over at Wormleysburg Park across the river (address: 744-798 N River St, Wormleysburg, PA 1704). If you are interested in attending, email Fr. Killackey at to be put on an email mailing list for updates.
Building Fund
Today we will have our monthly Building Fund Collection. Thank you for your continued generosity.
Young Adult Group Monthly Brunches and Bible Study
For any young adults (18-35) interested, the Mater Dei Young Adult Group meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month for brunch at the Squeaky Rail Dineraround 1:40pm. For more information, please email Fr. Killackey at
Mater Dei Legion of Mary
For both our new parishioners and long time parishioners, the Legion of Mary is open to new members. If you are interested in learning about the Legion's work at Mater Dei and what the commitment is, please contact Fr Eichman directly at
Mass Intentions Limit
Because of limited space left in our calendar, we are asking for a limit of 4 Mass intentions per parishioner for the remainder of the calendar year. Please use the Mass intentions envelopes in the vestibule or download the form from our website to send in your intentions and $10 stipend.
Feast of the Annunciation Mass Schedule
For the Feast of the Annunciation we will have a 7pm Low Mass in addition to the 7:10am Low Mass.