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Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

January 8, 2023


Home blessings began on Friday Jan. 6, and will continue until Thursday, Jan.12.

Parishioners who signed up for their home to be blessed should have received notification regarding the day and time scheduled for the Priest’s visit.

If you did not receive email notification about the scheduling of your home’s blessing, please email:

During the priest’s visit to the homes to be blessed this week, the priest will sprinkle and incense your house, and mark the front door (or doors) with chalk. This tradition commemorates the visitation of the three Magi to the Holy Family in Bethlehem. A priest visits the home, blessing each room (or at least, whichever rooms you would like him to bless) with Epiphany water and incense. The main entrance of the home is then marked with the initials of the three Magi: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar, and 20+C+M+B+23, the code of the current year (2023) connected with crosses. The letters have two meanings. First, they represent the initials of the Magi; and second, they abbreviate the Latin phrase, Christus mansionem benedicat; “May Christ bless the house.” Taken together, this inscription is performed as a request for Christ to bless the home, and that He abide with all those who dwell therein throughout the year.

The Announcement of Easter and the Moveable Feasts

“In Cathedral and other principal Churches, after the Gospel has been sung, the approaching Feast of Easter Sunday is solemnly announced to the people. This custom, which dates from the earliest ages of the Church, shows both the mysterious connection which unites the great Solemnities of the year one with another, and the importance the Faithful ought to attach to the celebration of that which is the greatest of all, and the center of all Religion. After having honored the King of the universe on the Epiphany, we shall have to celebrate him on the day which is now announced to us, as the conqueror of death. The following is the formula used for this solemn announcement:

“Know, dearly beloved Brethren, that by the mercy of God, as we have been rejoicing in the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, so also do we announce unto you the joy of the Resurrection of the same our Saviour. Septuagesima Sunday will be on the 5th day of February. Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the fast of most Holy Lent will be on the 22nd of February. On the 9th of April we shall celebrate with joy the holy Pasch of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ will be on the 18th of May. The Feast of Pentecost on the 28th of May. The Feast of Corpus Christi on the 8th of June. On the 3rd of December will occur the First Sunday of the Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom are honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.” From The Liturgical Year by Dom Guéranger.

Holy Name Society—Induction Ceremony today!

The Holy Name Society will celebrate its annual new member induction ceremony after the 11am Mass today; please note that all new Candidates and Novices must be present in order to become Professed Members of the Holy Name Society. Following the induction ceremony, we will host a Coffee Social Reception in the Parish Center at 112 State Street.

Openings in the St. Lawrence Choir:

The choir has openings for additional dedicated volunteers (Soprano and Tenor) and one qualified Alto Section Leader. Members are expected to be available for Thursday evening rehearsals, Sunday 11am Masses from September to June, and for 1st Class Feast Days. Volunteers with previous choral experience are preferred, but those with strong desire may be considered at the discretion of the Music Director. Applicants for the Alto Section Leader Position must audition and demonstrate strong vocal musicianship. Please email all inquiries to Paul Thomas May at:

St. Lawrence Pro-Life Committee:

We thank the parishioners who have expressed interest in forming a Pro-Life Committee to address the needs of the community and to organize future events. If you are interested in joining, please email the Parish Office at:

March for Life buses—Friday, Jan. 20, 2023:

Even with the blessing of Roe vs. Wade being overturned, the necessary work to build a culture of life in the United States is not finished. The goal of the National March for Life is not only to change laws at the state and federal level, but to change the American culture to ultimately make abortion unthinkable. The National March for Life will continue until a culture of life is restored to the United States.

The Diocese of Harrisburg has seats available on local buses that will be taking participants to the March for Life. For the latest information and to register, please visit:

Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade—Day of Prayer—Monday, Jan. 23:

Each year on Jan. 22, all dioceses within the United States are called to observe a “Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children.” Since Jan. 22, 2023, falls on a Sunday, the date will shift to Monday, Jan. 23, 2023. Resources are available from the USCCB to help parishes, schools, families, ministries, and individual Catholics participate in this important day of prayer and penance.

St. Catherine of Siena Young Adults' Group:

For any young adults (ages 18-35) interested, St. Lawrence has a Young Adult Group which meets about three times a month for different events, including social events, charitable works, and Bible studies. Please email: for more information.

Inquiry Class Reminder: If you are not Catholic and are interested in Catholicism, or if you know of anyone who is at all interested, we hold an Inquiry class every Monday at 3:30pm in the 2nd floor conference room at our 112 State Street Parish Center. This is a no commitment class and all one needs to do is show up. If you have questions, you are welcome to email the office at:

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. James McGrain:

United in the Sacrament of Marriage on January 7, 2023

Email Prayer Chain:

If you are not currently on the Mater Dei prayer request email list and would like to be added, please email: In this way, Parishioners can submit prayer intentions that we then share with everyone on the email list.

Legion of Mary—meeting time change effective Jan. 2023:

In an effort to meet the needs of the active members who regularly attend its weekly Tuesday evening meetings, the Mater Dei Praesidium of the Legion of Mary will begin meeting at 6:30pm after the change of the year. We will also be moving our meeting location from the Church’s Social Hall to our 112 State Street Parish Center. Guests are always welcome!

FSSP 2023 Liturgical Calendars are now available for purchase @ $17 each; please place your donations in the black metal box after purchasing one.

Expectant Mothers:

If you are expecting a child and registered in the Community, please let us know so we can put your expected date in our date book and rejoice with your family! Please send photos of your new baby to include on our new Website! Please notify us at: