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Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

February 3, 2019

Coffee & Donuts - We will have coffee & donuts in the downstairs Social Hall following the 8am & the 10am Masses this morning.  All are welcome to join us.  Access via the side door on Buttonwood.

 Benediction Following 10AM Mass - Immediately following the 10AM Mass will be Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.  This will run from approximately 11:15AM—11:25AM.

 St. Blaise Throat Blessing - Following both Masses today, February 3rd, will be the blessing of throats.

 Lenten Mission—Save Date - During the first week of Lent, Father Joseph Tuscan OFM will come to give a mission.  The dates are from March 10-13.  More details about the mission will be provided soon.

Youth Group Meeting in February - Since our Jeopardy Night was cancelled we will make it up at our February 16 meeting.  The competition will be followed by a talk by Fr. Eichman and the Rosary. No experience needed! Please bring a snack and a friend! The Youth Group is open to young people ages 13 through high school. For more information and to RSVP contact us at

Online Giving - You are able to visit our website to make a one time gift to Mater Dei or to set up recurring monthly offerings.  Visit and click “Donate.”

Next Apologetics Class - Our next class with Deacon Robinson is scheduled for February 17 following the 10am Mass. 

2019 Pilgrimage to the Holy Land - This Fall 2019 pilgrimage will be lead by Catholics of the Holy Land and will include a daily traditional Latin Mass. Chaplain: Fr. Robert Novokowsky, FSSP. October 7 - 19, 2019. For more details contact 804-320-4932 or

Blessing of Sacramentals: Procedure - Those with objects which they would like blessed should drop them off in the sacristy.  Be sure that your name is attached to your item and clearly visible.  Any items dropped off will be blessed by the following Sunday, and a note will be attached to verify this.

Thank You, Church Decorators - Thank you to those who helped remove the Christmas decorations from the church and school building last week.

Hand Missals For Sale - Our parish office maintains a small inventory of Daily Hand Missals for purchase.  We offer the Missal published in 2008 by Baronius Press in association with the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter for $55.  To purchase contact the church office at

Regina Caeli Education Program - Regina Caeli, is a classical hybrid education program in the Catholic tradition that meets on Mondays and Thursdays at the center and offers support for the three days at home.  Currently, they have over half the applications needed to open a satellite campus in the southeastern PA area for the fall of 2019.  Find out more at or contact Katie Fifelski at to get more specific information about tuition, employment opportunities and location etc.

Charitable Bequests - Many of the Church’s most helpful gifts come from the estates of generous donors.  As we at Mater Dei look ahead to our future challenges we ask you to please remember Mater Dei in your will or living trust.  Contact Fr Eichman with any questions.

Prayer of St. Thomas Aquinas For Purity

Dear Jesus, I know that every perfect gift and especially that of chastity depends on the power of your Providence.  Without you, a mere creature can do nothing.  Therefore, I beg you to defend by your grace the chastity and purity of my body and soul.  And if I have ever imagined or sensed anything that can stain my chastity and purity, blot it out, Supreme Lord of my powers, that I may advance with a pure heart in your love and service, offering myself on the most pure altar of your divinity all the days of my life.  Amen.