Building Fund Collection
Next week we will have a second collection for the Building Fund. The loan on the Rectory is currently at $31,369, and our monthly interest payment is $118. Your continued generosity is greatly appreciated.
Thank You
Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped clean and decorate the Church for Holy Week and Easter, as well as the Altar Servers families and the Choir for the countless hours of preparation they put into giving glory to God during this sacred season.
Diocesan Annual Campaign
Pledge cards for the Diocesan Annual Campaign are in the back of the Church. Please fill out the pledge card and place it in the Collection basket or mail it to the office. The community must cover our assessed goal. Anything in excess remains with Mater Dei, so thank you for your generosity! If you have any questions or concerns Fr Eichman would appreciate the opportunity to listen to them.
High School Graduates Mass
On Friday, June 14, the 6:30pm Mass will be offered for our high school graduates. A reception may follow depending on interest. Families pleased direct questions to Dawn Forbeck at
Mother’s Day Novena of Masses
The Mother’s Day cards are available for the Mother’s Day Novena of Masses which will be offered May 12th – May 20th. Please fill and place your cards into the collection basket by May 5th.
St. Jude Devotion
This Wednesday, April 24th, we will continue our St. Jude devotion with the following schedule:
Easter Duty
Every Catholic has the obligation to receive Communion at least once per year during Eastertide which continues through Trinity Sunday. In addition every Catholic is required to go to confession at least once per year.
May Crowning
On Sunday, May 5th, the May Crowning will take place in between the 8am and 10am Masses. All children are welcome to join the procession.
FSSP Seminarian Helping for Holy Week
We are very grateful to Oscar Torres FSSP for assisting us during Holy Week. Mr. Torres is currently in his fourth year of formation at the FSSP seminary of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Denton, Nebraska. Please keep him in your prayers.
Girls Tea
The Junior Sodality will be hosting a Young Ladies Tea on April 27th. Girls of the parish (ages 9 -18) are invited to a morning Tea at St. Lawrence with a talk from Fr Franco. Please RSVP to Jill Lear by April 25th.