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Christ the King

October 27, 2019

Coffee & Donuts

We will have coffee and donuts downstairs in the social hall following the 10am Mass.

Mass Schedule for All Saints Day

This Friday, November 1st, we will have the following Mass schedule for the Feast of All Saints:

  • 7am Low Mass
  • 5:30pm Simple Adoration
  • 7pm Sung Mass, followed by Sacred Heart Devotion and Sung Compline

Choristers Singing for All Saints Day Mass

The Mater Dei Choristers will be singing at the 7pm Sung Mass on the Feast of All Saints this Friday.

All Souls Day Cemetery Visit

Members of the Holy Name Society will be visiting Mount Calvary Cemetery, 500 S. 13th Street, to pray for the dead after the 9am Mass on Saturday, November 2nd.  All are welcome to join them in this Spiritual Work of Mercy.

Building Fund Collection

Today we will have a second collection for the Building Fund. Your continued generosity is greatly appreciated as we first pay off the rectory and then begin to address our most critical future needs.

Church Cleaning

We are in need of at least one volunteer to help out on the first Saturdays of the month. Our Church is cleaned by teams of parishioners who volunteer about 90 minutes of their time once a month on a rotating schedule to ensure things get cleaned weekly. If interested or to find out more, contact Sara Sides There are substitutes as well who fill in as needed when their schedules permit. If you are interested in helping but cannot commit regularly, then this is for you!

Organ Preludes Preceding Sung Vespers

Each 4th Sunday, Music Director Patrick Torsell will present a half-hour selection of organ preludes preceding Sung Vespers. Organ works will begin at 5pm, and Vespers will begin at 5:30pm. This month (Sunday, 10/27) Mr. Torsell will be featuring several of the great organ voluntaries by English composer and organist, John Stanley (1712-1786).

Knights of the Altar Annual Raffle

The Knights of the Altar (Altar Servers) will be selling raffle tickets outside following both Masses today. The tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00, and the grand prize is a crucifix.  The winning tickets will be drawn in the social hall following the 10am Mass on Sunday, November 3.

Join The Confraternity of St. Peter

The Confraternity of St Peter (CSP) is a confraternity that unites to the FSSP and helps us by their prayers, for our vocations, for our sanctification, and the work that we do.  By uniting to the FSSP they have a greater union than if they were only parishioners. The obligations are simple: a decade of the rosary each day, the Confraternity Prayer each day, and to have one Mass offered each year for the intentions of the Confraternity.  These intentions are 1) for the sanctification of our members, 2) for vocations to the FSSP, 3) for the work the FSSP does. Please take a brochure from the vestibule for registration information.

The Apostolic Penitentiary, by virtue of the faculties granted to it by Pope Benedict XVI, has kindly granted the following indulgences to the members of the Confraternity of St. Peter, under the usual conditions:

1) A plenary indulgence:

  1. On the day of their admission into the Confraternity;
  2. On February 22nd, the Feast of the Chair of St Peter and anniversary of the foundation of the Confraternity;
  3. On June 29th, Feast of Saints Peter and Paul

2) A partial indulgence

  1. Whenever they partake in pious or charitable activities as members of the Confraternity.

Catholic Philosophy Class

Deacon Robinson’s Catholic Philosophy course begins today following 10am Mass in Classroom 1. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Book Giveaway Today

Following Mass today in the social hall we will have used religious books and a few small statues and images available to be taken on a first come first serve basis.