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5th Sunday after Easter

May 9, 2021

May Crowning Today

The noon Mass today will begin with a May Crowning. Children who would like to join the procession should gather beside the church in the alley at 11:45am.

Mother’s Day Carnations

The Junior Sodality will have carnations available after all Masses today except the 6pm. Donations will be gladly accepted. All proceeds will be given to the Pro-Life group, Pennsylvanians for Human Life.

Mater Dei Chant Camp

This summer’s Chant Camp under the direction of Music Director Paul May is scheduled for July 12-16. Registration for parishioners begins May 16. Registration for non-parishioners opens June 1 (if space is still available). The first four days will be spent in learning and preparing the sacred music for an 11am Sung Mass on the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Lunch and sports / games at Wormleysburg Park each day. Other instructors will include Fr Killackey and a FSSP seminarian from Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary.

Solemn High Mass and First Blessings

Deacon John Audino, FSSP, will be ordained to the priesthood on May 28. We are excited and blessed to have him here on Monday, June 7, to offer a Solemn High Mass at 7pm. Following Mass, he will give first blessings. He is one of five deacons from Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary being ordained this spring.

Feast of the Ascension—Mass Schedule

This Thursday, May 13, we will have Mass at 7am & 7pm for the Feast of the Ascension.

Sung Vespers This evening we will have Sung Vespers at 5:30pm.

Seminary Burse

Today there will be a second collection for the FSSP seminary, Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Denton, Nebraska.

Youth Group Meeting

Our next Youth Group meeting is on Saturday, May 15 from 6-9 pm. We will have a special guest, U.S. Army Chaplain Lt. Col. James Peak. Father Peak will share a few items and stories from his experiences. Youth Group is open to all students age 13- high school graduate. Please email for more information.

Cleaning Volunteers Needed

The Church Cleaning team is looking for one or two people to help out on the 3rd weekend of the month on Friday evening after Mass. If interested or you have any questions, please contact Sara Sides at There is a cleaning checklist that takes about an hour to complete. Supplies are provided - just show up! If you are willing to help out but are not able to commit every month, there is a list of substitute cleaners who are called on when a regularly scheduled cleaner cannot make it. Please consider joining the substitute list to help keep our church looking and smelling fresh and clean!

Help Needed Painting

We are re-painting several large spaces in the school building and are looking for help. Basic painting skilld are all that is required. You do not have to be a professional. We are short on help so please give this serious consideration. Thank you!

\Weeknight Basketball for Adults

Any men interested in playing basketball on Mondays 6:30-8pm contact Fr Eichman at

Young Adult Group Work Day at Fairfield Carmel

For young adults (18-35) interested, the St. Catherine of Siena Young Adult Group will be going down to the Fairfield Carmel of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph on Saturday, May 29 to help with various work projects that the sisters have.  We will meet at the Carmel itself for Mass at 9am in their chapel and will work until around 2pm.  The address of the Carmel is 327 Water Street, Fairfield, PA 17320.  For those interested in staying longer, we will tour the Gettysburg area after that and meet for an early dinner before heading home.  Please direct any questions to Fr. Killackey at 

Legion of Mary

Our Legion of Mary is now meeting again on Tuesdays at 7pm. Anyone 18 or older is welcome to attend.

Women’s Evening of Recollection

This Tuesday, May 11, there will be a Women's Evening of Recollection. The evening will begin with Mass with a sermon at 6pm, approximately 1 hour for social time, and a Holy Hour of Simple Adoration with Confessions available. The evening will end at 9pm. All women ages 21 and up are welcome. No registration is necessary. These evenings take place on the 2nd Tuesday of most months. Contact Lindsey Hepburn with questions at