Coffee and Donuts - If you are visiting from another parish please join us after the 10:00AM Mass for coffee and donuts. Access via the door on the side alley.
Ascension Thursday - May 5th
May Crowning - May 1st - In honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we will have a crowning of Our Lady on May 1st between the 8AM & 10AM Masses, beginning at 9:20AM. All catechism students will report to their classrooms as usual for attendance before gathering on the sidewalk along the side of the church. All other children (both boys and girls) and persons who wish to join the procession should also line up on the sidewalk by 9:15AM. We will then process into the church for the crowning.
Mother’s Day Novena - The Mother’s Day cards are available for the Mtoher’s Day novena of Masses which will be offered May 8th - May 16th. Please fill and place your cards into the collection basket by no later than May 1st.
Parish Picnic - Save the date: We will have a Parish Picnic on Sunday, June 12 at Adam Ricci Park following the 10:00AM Mass.
Easter Duty - Every Catholic has the obligation to receive Communion at least once per year during Eastertide, which continues through Trinity Sunday. In addition every Catholic is required to go to confession at least once per year. Confessions are heard before each Mass.
Library Facelift Fundraiser - Thank you to all who offered your support to Jackson Rainey’s Trail Life Freedom Award project, (Renovating the Library). Your response was very generous.
Hand Missals For Sale - 1962 Daily Hand Missal once again available for purchase in the church office for $60. We offer the Missal published in 2008 by Baronius Press in association with the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter.
Food for the Needy - The Holy Name Society collects non-perishable food for the Silence of Mary homes, who then distribute this food to the needy in Harrisburg. To contribute, please add your gift of food in the straw basket located behind the last pew. Thank you!
Sacramentals for Expectant Mothers - There are certain Sacramentals in the Roman Ritual through which we request God’s blessing that an expecting mother can have a safe delivery and also the grace of having her child baptized. The priests would be happy to provide the following to any expecting lady at her request. Please do not hesitate to ask.