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22nd Sunday after Pentecost

November 10, 2019

Coffee & Donuts

We will have coffee and donuts both downstairs in the social hall and upstairs in Classroom 1 following the 10am Mass.

Silence of Mary Home Food Drive

There are bags in the back on the piano for the annual Thanksgiving Food Drive for the Silence of Mary home. We will be collecting the food for the drive November 10 & 17. The giveaway of the dinners will be November 22 & 23. A list of most needed items is included with each bag. Please contact Chris or Janette Keifer (717-856-7537) with questions.

Vespers Tonight

We will have Vespers and Exposition with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament tonight from 5:30pm– 6:30pm.

Seminary Burse Collection Today

There will be a second collection in support of Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, the FSSP seminary in Denton, Nebraska. Thank you for your continuing support of your future priests.

November Sunday Afternoon Sports

For those interested, Fr. Killackey will be leading Sunday Afternoon Sports at Wormleysburg Park (710 N River St.) today, November 10 starting at 12 noon. We will be playing speedball this month, which is a combination of soccer and ultimate frisbee.  There is a pavilion area for those who just want to sit and relax.  Transportation must be worked out on your own.  Please email Fr. Killackey with any questions at

Adult Catechism Class

Fr. Killackey is offering a weekly adult catechism class on Monday evenings at 7pm in Classroom 3.  The class is open to anyone interested in converting to the Catholic faith, or simply deepening their knowledge and understanding of the Faith. Contact with questions.

Knights of the Altar Raffle Winner

Congratulations to Aaron Rider, winner of the Knights of the Altar raffle grand prize crucifix. Thank you to all who entered the raffle for your support of our Knights of the Altar.