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Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost

October 21, 2018

No Coffee & Donuts - In place of coffee and donuts, we will have our annual “All Saints Party” after the 10am Mass today.  It will be held in the Social Hall.

All Saints Party Today - Our annual All Saints party will be held at the church today, October 21, after the 10AM Mass.  It will include food, games, the Knights of the Altar raffle, and the “Parade of Saints” for the children.  At the conclusion of the party there will be Sung Vespers (no Benediction) at 3pm.

FSSP Confraternity Ceremony Today - Directly following 3pm Sung Vespers we will have a ceremony for the members of the Confraternity of St. Peter.  Any members of the Confraternity who have joined within the past year should see a priest before the ceremony.

New Edmund Campion Hymnals - Our new Edmund Campion Hymnals are now in the pews.  Thank you to the benefactors who helped with the purchase of the beautiful hymnals, and to those who  worked hard to resized the pew hymnal holders.

Edmund Campion Hymnals - Handle with Care - The new Edmund Campion Hymnals are a premium quality hymnal.  Please handle them with care and also be careful that young children do not damage them.  Thank you!

Christmas Cards Available - FSSP Christmas Cards are available in the back of Church.

Sunday Donuts Volunteer Needed - We are looking for a volunteer to pick up the donuts for  our Coffee & Donuts social after the 10am Mass for the 4th Sunday of each month.  Please contact the office or a priest if you are willing to help.  Until there is a volunteer we will not have a Coffee Social on the 4th Sunday of the month.

All Souls Novena - All Souls Day envelopes are in the back of church for the All Souls Novena of Masses on November 2-10.  Put your envelopes in the collection basket no later than Sunday October  28.

 Young Ladies Tea - Young ladies of the parish (ages 13-18) are invited to a morning Tea at Saint Lawrence with a talk from Fr Eichman this Saturday, October 27 following the 9:00am Mass.  For more details or to RSVP contact Jill Lear at

Confirmation Candidates - Parents whose children are not enrolled in Mater Dei’s catechism program but would like to be Confirmed must contact the parish office by the end of October.

Substitute Church Cleaners - We are in need of a few substitutes for our church cleaning crew.  They are only asked to be available to help a few times per year.  Contact Elaine Rainey at

Charitable Bequests - Many of the Church’s most helpful gifts come from the estates of generous donors.  As we at Mater Dei look ahead to our future challenges we ask you to please remember Mater Dei in your will or living trust.  Contact Fr Eichman with any questions.

Write Your Name in Your Missal- Please write your name in your missal so that if it ever becomes separated from you it can easily be returned.

Subdiaconate Ordination - Next Sunday - Next Sunday, Brother Thomas Mary of Jesus is scheduled to be ordained to the Subdiaconate at St Lawrence at 12:30pm.  This is now tentative as Bishop Gainer continues to recover from a procedure earlier this fall.  If the ordination does not take place next Sunday we will still have a Low Mass with Hymns offered by Fr. Eichman or Fr. Franco, so feel welcome to attend.  The 8am and 10am Masses will be as offered as usual.

FSSP Confraternity Prayer

V.Remember, O Lord, Thy congregation. R. Which Thou hast possessed from the beginning.

Let us pray.

O Lord Jesus, born to give testimony to the Truth, Thou who lovest unto the end those whom Thou hadst chosen, kindly hear our prayers for our pastors. Thou who knowest all things, knowest that they love Thee and can do all things in Thee who strengthenest them.

Sanctify them in Truth. Pour into them, we beseech Thee, the Spirit whom Thou didst give to Thy apostles, who would make them, in all things, like unto Thee.  Receive the homage of love which they offer up to Thee, who hast graciously received the threefold confession of Peter.

And so that a pure oblation may everywhere be offered without ceasing unto the Most Holy Trinity, graciously enrich their number and keep them in Thy love, who art one with the Father and the Holy Ghost, to whom be glory and honor forever. Amen.