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Third Sunday after Pentecost

June 30, 2019

Knights of the Altar — Promotions

The annual promotion ceremony for the Knights of the Altar will be held immediately following  the 10am Mass today in the church.

Fr. Franco Farewell Party Today

We will have a farewell potluck for Fr. Franco following the 10am Mass today. Please join us to thank Fr. Franco for his time with us and wish him well as he is transferred to our apostolate in Richmond, VA.

  • 11am Potluck / (K of A Promotions)
  • 1pm Clean up
  • 1:30pm Sung Vespers
  4th of July - Special Mass Schedule There will be no 7:10am Low Mass.  Instead the schedule will be as follows:
  • 8am Simple Adoration
  • 9am Low Mass

Warm Weather Reminder

Remember that if any needy person approaches you at St. Lawrence requesting money or another type of material aid, do not give them any. Instead, direct them to one of the priests.

Fr. John Killackey

Our newly assigned assistant chaplain, Fr. Killacky, FSSP will be joining us this Saturday, June 6th.

Seminarian Matt Kane — Thank You

Thank you to Matt Kane, who was a great help to us during the past two weeks for his summer apostolate. He will return for two weeks in August.

Choir Auditions

Mater Dei's choral program has grown in the past two years, and will now split into two choirs for next choir season. The Sunday choir (to be called the Schola Sancti Gregorii) will now be an auditioned group. This group will sing for weekly Sunday Masses, and will be devoted to the Church's great patrimony of chant, hymns, and renaissance polyphony, constantly learning new repertoire and pushing its own boundaries. If you are interested, or know any interested singers, brief auditions will be held at 7pm on Thursday evening, 8/1, in the main classroom in the presence of two adjudicators. Please visit for details. A non-auditioned choir (the Schola Angelorum) will also be available for singers who desire to share their talents without the more stringent commitment and audition requirements of the Schola Sancti Gregorii. This group will sing for special Masses such as Feast Days, the St. Jude Devotion, Confirmations, etc., and will rehearse as assigned for the Masses it will sing. Both choirs are of great importance to the liturgical life of our community, and both will provide a rich musical and spiritual experience for members. Email or speak with Patrick Torsell for more details.

Charitable Bequests

Many of the Church’s most helpful gifts come from the estates of generous donors. As we at Mater Dei look ahead to our future challenges we ask you to please remember Mater Dei in your will or living trust. Contact Fr Eichman with any questions.