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Third Sunday after Epiphany

January 27, 2019

Coffee & Donuts - We will have coffee & donuts in the downstairs Social Hall following the10am Mass this morning.  All are welcome to join us.  Access via the side door on Buttonwood.

Building Fund Today - Today we will have a second collection for the Building Fund.

 Sung Vespers Tonight - This evening we will have Sung Vespers and Benedition from 5:30pm—6:30pm.

 Lenten Mission—Save Date - During the first week of Lent, Father Joseph Tuscan OFM will come to give a mission.  The dates are from March 10-13.

 Mass Attendance Increase - In 2014 Sunday Mass attendance averaged 220.  Since then we have grown by an average of 12% per year.  Sunday Mass attendance now averages 376.  Some have asked about adding a third Sunday Mass at Mater Dei.  As we continue to grow this will be necessary within the next one to three years.  At that time your input will be requested via a survey to determine the most accommodating Mass schedule.

Youth Group Special Event - On February 2, 2019 (Candlemas) the Youth Group will meet at St. Lawrence for 9:00 am Mass and then travel to the Women's Care Center to learn about their pro-life work and help with a small service project. For more information and to RSVP contact us at

Youth Group Meeting in February - Since our Jeopardy Night was cancelled we will make it up at our February 16 meeting.  The competition will be followed by a talk by Fr. Eichman and the Rosary. No experience needed! Please bring a snack and a friend! The Youth Group is open to young people ages 13 through high school. For more information and to RSVP contact us at

Young Adult Group—Bowling - Our young adults (18-35) are going bowling following next Sunday’s 5:30-6:30pm Vespers & Adoration.  For more information contact Fr Eichman at

Charitable Bequests - Many of the Church’s most helpful gifts come from the estates of generous donors.  As we at Mater Dei look ahead to our future challenges we ask you to please remember Mater Dei in your will or living trust.  Contact Fr Eichman with any questions.

No Confessions During Mass Today - Today there will only be Confessions before the Masses.  Confessions will not be available during Mass.

 This Saturday - Feast of the Purification - Candle Blessing & Sung Mass - The annual blessing of candles and procession will take place at 9AM on Saturday, February 2, and will be followed directly by a Sung Mass. On this day we bless all of the candles which will be used throughout the entire liturgical year. You are encouraged to bring your own candles that you will use for personal devotions to be blessed as well. Either drop them off in the sacristy sometime from Sunday, January 27, or bring them Saturday morning prior to the Mass (arrive no later than 15 minutes prior to Mass). Be sure to label candles with your name.

 Next Apologetics Class - Our next class is scheduled for February 17 following the 10am Mass.

 Epiphany Water Still Available - Epiphany water is still available in the Holy Water canister beside the Baptistry gate.

St. Tarcisius Meeting - Our next St. Tarcisius Meeting is Saturday, February 2nd at 5:00pm.  The group is for children ages 5 – 12 and meets monthly in order to train the children to meditate.  Each meeting includes a short, priest led Ignatian style meditation, the rosary, and a potluck dinner.  Meetings are the 1st Saturday of the month from 5-7pm.  We gather in a different host family’s home each month.  For information please contact

Ladies Sodality of Mater Dei - Please Consider Joining - The Ladies Sodality is looking for additional members.  Our purpose is to assist our Chaplain and support Mater Dei Community with events throughout the year.   Examples of that would be providing food, decorations, set-up or clean-up for special events such as visits from the Bishop, the Epiphany Party, Days of Recollection etc.

In respecting the busy lives of women we do not have meetings. The Ladies’ Sodality has an active email list that we invite you to participate through. The list is used to send announcements when help is needed.

To join please see the sign up sheet in the back of  the church or reach out to Mrs. Dawn Forbeck via email at