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Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

August 14, 2022

Feast of the Assumption of Our Blessed Mother: Monday, August 15.

Masses will be at 7:10 am, Noon, and a High Mass at 7 pm. This feast is one of the few remaining Holy Days of Obligation on the calendar in this country, though bishops often dispense with the obligation to assist at Mass when the feast falls on Monday, as this feast does this year, removing the obligation strictly speaking. Nonetheless, it is one of the most important feasts of the year, and the Faithful should try to take off of work that day, or at least try to assist at Mass if possible.

Pope Pius XII declared the Assumption of Our Lady to be an infallible dogma of the Church by means of the Apostolic Constition Munificentissimus Deus, issued as a Papal Bull on November 1st, 1950. The feast is, however, much older, having been celebrated since at least the early 8th century. The Assumption is one of the four dogmas of Our Lady along with those of her Immaculate Conception, her perpetual virginity and her title of Theotokos, that is, the Mother of God.

Hence the revered Mother of God, from all eternity joined in a hidden way with Jesus Christ in one and the same decree of predestination, immaculate in her conception, a most perfect virgin in her divine motherhood, the noble associate of the divine Redeemer who has won a complete triumph over sin and its consequences, finally obtained, as the supreme culmination of her privileges, that she should be preserved free from the corruption of the tomb and that, like her own Son, having overcome death, she might be taken up body and soul to the glory of heaven where, as Queen, she sits in splendor at the right hand of her Son, the immortal King of the Ages. (Munificentissimus Deus, 40)

St. Lawrence Youth Group:

Youth Group will NOT meet in August this year. Stay tuned for details regarding our next gathering on Saturday, September 17 and mark your calendar to participate in PA March for Life, Monday, September 19, 2022. Thank you to Mrs. Dawn Forbeck for her dedication and continued support of Mater Dei Youth Group at St. Lawrence of Rome!  Please offer a private prayer or other spiritual offering for Mrs. Forbeck's intentions.  Questions? Email:

Thank you:

Thank you very much to the many, many people who made last Sunday’s celebration of Saint Lawrence’s feast day such a joyful day! Due to the hard work of the visiting clergy, altar boys, choir, orchestra, picnic organizers, grill masters, table haulers, game organizers, trash removers, and so many others, we were able to welcome Bishop Gainer in a beautiful way, and give glory to God by honoring our patron saint. Thank you to each and all, for all of your hard work and dedication to our parish!

Friday Religious Education Academic Program:

We are pleased to announce the addition of Sacramental Preparation classes for First Holy Communion and Confirmation as part of St. Lawrence’s 2022-2023 Religious Education Academic Program. Registration for classes begins after each of the morning Masses today, and next Sunday August 21, for any interested student from preschool (age 3) - high school. Families who wish to register their children for classes should visit the registration tables that will be outside today, and next Sunday August 21, after each of the morning Masses.

Mass Intentions: 

Mass Intentions are filled for the remainder of the 2022 calendar year. We currently are not accepting Mass intentions. We will resume taking Mass Intentions on October 1.

2022 Diocesan Annual Appeal:

Our goal for 2022 is $16,093.00. So far this year, parishioners have contributed $11,350.21.

27th Annual Pilgrimage for Restoration will be held this year on September 23-25, 2022:

Members of St. Lawrence are invited to participate! Fellow pilgrims, young and old, join in penance and in hope on the way to Our Lady’s Shrine of Martyrs, Auriesville, New York. For more information about the Pilgrimage, visit:

Confraternity of Christian Mothers:

The Confraternity will meet after the 9am Saturday Mass each fourth Saturday of the month. The next regular scheduled meeting is this Saturday, August 27. We will begin the day with 8am Adoration followed by 9am Mass. The Meeting will be in the Social following the 9am Mass. For information, please email:

St. Catherine of Siena Young Adults' Group:

For any young adults (ages 18-35) interested, St. Lawrence has a Young Adult Group which meets about three times a month for different events, including social events, charitable works, and Bible studies. We will have our Young Adults Brunch today after the 11am Mass, and meet around 1pm at the Squeaky Rail Diner (505 N Enola Rd., Enola, PA 17025) For more information, please email:

Congratulations to Daniel and Theresa Beckers on the Baptism of their son Joseph Louis Beckers, August 6, 2022

Registration at St. Lawrence Church:

The Pastor and Assistant Pastor have the special grace to guide those who are registered parishioners and are hence assigned to their care. The Mass offered for the people every Sunday, Pro Populo, is offered for those who are registered members. Anyone seeking the Sacraments of Baptism, 1st Communion, Confirmation and Matrimony here must be registered and active parishioners for 6 months. Registration forms are available on our website.

Legion of Mary:

"For this is the will of God, your sanctification:..." (First Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians Chpt 4, vs 3). This is the goal of the Legion of Mary, to sanctify its members by actively bringing souls to Christ through the work of Our Lady.  Please consider becoming an active member. Guests are always welcome to attend meetings. Contact Dan Jones for more information.

Meetings are held on Mondays at 5:45pm.

Sunday Socials: Help still needed:

Please consider helping with our Sunday Socials after the 9am and 11am Masses. The goal is to have many volunteers so that volunteers only have to do their duty once every month or two. If you can help please email:

Inquiry Class Reminder:

If you are not Catholic and are interested in Catholicism, or if you know of anyone who is at all interested, we hold an Inquiry class every Monday at 6pm in the school building the behind church.  This is a no commitment class and all one needs to do is show up. If you have questions, you are welcome to contact the office at

Expectant  Mothers:

If you are expecting a child and registered in the Community, please let us know so we can put  your expected date in our date book and rejoice with your family! Please send photos of your new baby to include on our new Website! Please notify us at