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Sunday after the Ascension

June 2, 2019

Coffee & Donuts

We will have coffee & donuts in the downstairs Social Hall following both the 8am and the 10am Mass.

Confirmations this Saturday

This Saturday, June 8 at 10am Bishop Gainer will confer the sacrament of Confirmation followed by a Pontifical Low Mass.  All are welcome to attend.  The usual Holy Hour and Low Mass are cancelled.  All are welcome to join the families for a light reception following Mass.

Chant Camp

This year’s chant camp will be June 24-28. In addition to learning Sacred Music, the campers will have time for games and sports each day at a nearby park. There will be a mandatory volunteer meeting on Sunday, June 9th, following the 10am Mass.  To register contact the office.

Chant Camp Mandatory Meeting

Next Sunday is the mandatory volunteer meeting for parents whose children will attend the Chant Camp.  This will be held in classroom #1 after the 10:00am Mass.

Confessions Before Mass Only

Today there will not be Confessions available during the Masses.  As usual, confessions will begin 30 minutes prior to each Mass.

Father’s Day Novena

The Father’s Day cards are now available for the Father’s Day novena of Masses which will run from June 16th-24th. Please fill and place your cards into the collection basket by Sunday, June 9th.

12pm Solemn High Mass—Chant Campers-Feast of The Sacred Heart

The Chant Campers will be concluding the camp by singing for a Solemn High Mass at 12pm on Friday, June 28 for the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  All are welcome to attend.

Fr Franco Ordination Anniversary

Following the 10am Mass next Sunday, June 9, we will have cake in the Social Hall in celebration of Fr Franco’s 4th priestly anniversary.

End of Choir Season

June 23 will the be last Sunday of Choir season.    Throughout the summer, the 10am Sunday Mass will be a Low Mass with hymns.  The choir will resume singing the first Sunday of September.  We thank the choir members for their dedication to the Sacred Liturgy and the beauty that they add.