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Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

July 21, 2019

Coffee & Donuts

We will have coffee & donuts in the downstairs Social Hall following the 10am Mass.

Knights of the Altar

The Knights of the Altar will meet following the 10am Mass this morning in Classroom 1.

Girls’ Sodality Trip to Elysburg Carmel

The Girls’ Sodality will be taking a trip to the Carmel of Jesus, Mary & Joseph in Elysburg, PA on Tuesday, July 30th.  This trip is open to all the girls of the parish ages 9 – 18.  We will be having Mass there at 9 am, followed by a speakroom visit with the Discalced Carmelite Nuns, and then a picnic there on the grounds.  We should be headed back to Harrisburg by 1 pm.  There may be some spots available if you are in need of transportation, but all moms are welcome to attend.  For more information, please contact Jill Lear at

Choir Auditions

Mater Dei's choral program has grown in the past two years, and will now split into two choirs for next choir season. Auditions for the Sunday choir (to be called the Schola Sancti Gregorii) will be held at 7pm on Thursday evening, 8/1, in the main classroom in the presence of two adjudicators. Please visit for details.

Office Closed Tuesday & Friday

This coming Tuesday 7/23, and Friday 7/26, the church office will be closed.

Ordination & First Mass— Brother Thomas Mary

Brother Thomas Mary will be ordained a priest on Saturday, August 10th, at 10am by Cardinal Burke in the Cathedral of St. Patrick.  All are invited to attend. On Sunday, August 11th, our 10am Mass will be offered by Brother in the presence of Cardinal Burke.  This will be his first Mass.  This Mass will be of the Carmelite Rite which is similar to the Roman Rite Mass we are accustomed to but with a few differences. Brother expects to have a large number of guests attending this Mass, but since it is our main Sunday Mass, Mater Dei parishioners are expected to attend as usual. Information concerning Br Thomas Mary’s community can be found at

Parish Picnic — Location Change

Our annual parish picnic will be held on Sunday, August 11th, at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Mechanicsburg, PA following Brother Thomas Mary’s first Mass. Attendance will be roughly twice as large as usual with Brother Thomas Mary’s  guests so we will need more volunteers than in past years. Sign up sheets for food and volunteer duties are in the vestibule.

Girls’ Junior Sodality Meeting

This month’s Junior Sodality will be today, July 21st after the 10am Mass in Classroom 3. All young ladies age 9 through high school are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Music/Singing Workshop

On Thursday, July 25th, at 7pm we will host a music/singing workshop in Classroom 1. Topics will include the basics of reading music (both chant and modern notation), good tone production, blend, vowel formation, breathing, basic ear training, and more. The workshop is free and all are invited. Anyone planning to audition for next choir season (Schola Sancti Gregorii) is strongly encouraged to attend.

Mass Intentions Procedure

If you would like to have Mass offered for a special intention, there are Mass intention envelopes in the vestibule display cabinet. The stipend amount is $10 per intention and should be placed in the envelope, which can then be handed  in to the collection basket on Sunday.

New First Friday Devotion

Beginning on August 2nd, we will pray a novena and  a Litany to the Sacred Heart of Jesus after the evening Mass on the first Friday of every month. Following this, the priests will sing Compline (the final prayer of the daily Divine Office) with organ accompaniment.