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Sexagesima Sunday

February 20, 2022

Legion of Mary:

"For this is the will of God, your sanctification:..." (First Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians Chpt 4, vs 3).  This is the goal of the Legion of Mary, to sanctify its members by actively bringing souls to Christ through the work of Our Lady.  Please consider becoming an active member.  Guests are always welcome to attend meetings.  Contact Dan Jones at for more information. Meetings are Mondays at 5:45pm.

Sponsorships needed for parish library:

We are expanding the parish library with 75 volumes of the works of the greatest doctors of the church. If you would like to underwrite either the works of St. Thomas Aquinas or St. Augustine, we would be very grateful, and you would be doing a great service for the parish. A 31-volume set of St. Thomas, in a Latin-English side-by-side edition, costs $1,706 by the Aquinas Institute. A 44-volume set of St. Augustine with a new translation by New City Press cost $1,827.60.

The Confraternity of St. Peter:

The Confraternity of St. Peter is a group established to support the FSSP and its charism through prayers and sacrifices.  The people in this group pray a decade of the Rosary and special Confraternity prayer every day, and also have one Mass per year said for supporting vocations, the sanctification of priests and their pastoral endeavors.  If you are interested in joining this Confraternity, you can find more information here:

Indulgences for Members of the Confraternity of St. Peter:

By decree of the Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary, dated June 7, 2008, a plenary indulgence is granted under the usual conditions to the members of the Confraternity of St. Peter on the following days: a) the day of admission to the Confraternity; b) the day of the feast of the Chair of St. Peter (Feb. 22); and c) the day of the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul (June 29). If you are not a member of the Confraternity yet, please complete the membership form that is available near the entrance to the church.

Calling all Altar Boys and those interested:

Any boy who has received his First Holy Communion is invited to consider being an altar boy at St. Lawrence. The altar boys have group practices once per month on the second Saturday of the month. (The next practice will be on March 12). The meeting begins after the 9 am Mass, and concludes at 12:30 pm, and includes a light breakfast, a meeting with a spiritual talk from one of the priests, practice serving, recreation, pizza for lunch, and clean up. In addition, the monthly business meeting for the Knights of the Altar (open to all altar boys) is held on the third Sunday of every month after the 11 am Mass. (There will be a meeting today.) For more information about becoming an altar boy, email Fr. Smith or Mr. Pitman at

Coffee and Doughnut Socials:

We are very happy to once again have our socials in the basement after the 9 am and 11 am Masses. We invite everyone to come and get to know your fellow parishioners. To get to the basement, please go through the courtyard (through the door on the Epistle side of the Church), or by exiting the front of the church and entering through the exterior door on Buttonwood Street.

Elementary School Principle – K-8:

Saint Leo the Great Catholic School, in Lancaster, PA, is seeking a devout, dedicated and dynamic leader to guide and maintain its thriving Elementary School.  For more information, see the Employment Listings on the Diocese of Harrisburg website:  Please send Resume and Letter of Interest by March 4, 2022 to:  Ann Everest, Department of Education, Diocese of Harrisburg, 4800 Union Deposit Road, Harrisburg, PA  17111-3710 or by e-mail:

Sacred Heart Perpetual Adoration Chapel:

The Sacred Heart Perpetual Adoration Chapel is the adoration chapel for the Dauphin Deanery. Adorers are needed from all the parishes in the deanery.  Sacred Heart Chapel is under the guardianship of St. Margaret Mary Parish and you can find the chapel at 2836 Herr St., across from the St. Margaret Mary Parish School. Come and spend time with Christ in His chapel.  You can stop in for a few minutes, become a committed adorer for a weekly hour, join an adorer as a prayer partner, or offer to be a substitute adorer.  Whatever your availability there is a place for you at the chapel.  Information please contact

Expectant  Mothers:

If you are expecting a child and registered in the Community, please let us know so we can put  your expected date in our date book and rejoice with your family! Please notify us at

Registration at St. Lawrence:

The Pastor and Assistant Pastor have the special grace to guide those who are registered parishioners and are hence assigned to their care. The Mass offered for the people every Sunday, Pro Populo, is offered for those who are registered members. Anyone seeking the Sacraments of Baptism, 1st Communion, Confirmation and Matrimony here must be registered and active parishioners for 6 months. Registration forms are available on our website.

Openings in the Choir at St. Lawrence:

The choir has openings for additional dedicated volunteers and two qualified section leaders. Members are expected to be available for Thursday evening rehearsals, Sunday 11am Masses throughout the year, and for other important Feast Days as notified. Volunteers with previous choral experience are preferred, but those with strong desire may be considered at the discretion of the Music Director. Section Leader positions are available for Alto, and Tenor; all applicants must audition and demonstrate strong vocal musicianship. Inquiries can be directed to Paul Thomas May at

Sunday Socials: Help still needed!

Please consider helping with our Sunday Socials after the 9am and11am Mass. The goal is to have many volunteers so that volunteers only have to do their duty once every month or two.

  • Doughnut Procurement: Doughnuts can be picked up anytime between 7am and the start of 9am Mass at Enola Dunkin Donuts. Doughnuts are preordered by the Office.
  • Coffee Social Setup 9am Mass: 8:30am—8:50am  Set up drinks, donut table, etc.
  • Coffee Social Greeter 9am Mass: 9:55am—10:10am  Opens alley door to enable parishioners entry to social.
  • Coffee Social Setup 11am Mass: 10:30am—10:45am  Place Doughnuts on table, drinks, etc. after 9am social
  • Coffee Social Greeter 11am Mass: 12:25am—12:40am  Opens alley door to enable parishioners entry to social.
  • Coffee Social Cleanup: 30 minute commitment anytime prior to Vespers. Put away coffee pots, etc. Clean social hall. as needed.