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Septuagesima Sunday

February 17, 2019

Coffee & Donuts - We will have coffee & donuts in the downstairs Social Hall following the 10am Mass this morning.  All are welcome to join us.  Access via the side door on Buttonwood.

 Lenten Mission—Save Date - During the first week of Lent, Father Joseph Tuscan OFM will come to give a mission.  The dates are from March 10-13.  More details about the mission will be provided soon.

Welcome New Secretary - Please give a warm welcome to our new part-time employee, Bethany Wertz, as she joins the existing Mater Dei staff as Chaplain’s Secretary.  In recent years Mrs. Wertz has interned at the Vatican’s Council for Social Communication in Rome, worked as Pilgrimage and Visitor Services Specialist at the St John Paul II National Shrine in Washington and taught High School Theology at Montgomery Prep.  We are excited to have her as part of our staff.

 St. Jude Devotion - This Wednesday evening will be our special St Jude devotion.

  • 6:00pm - Holy Hour with Benediction
  • 7:00pm - Low Mass with Hymns
  • Following Mass - Prayers & Litany to St. Jude & veneration of St. Jude relic.

Knights of the Altar Meeting - Our monthly Altar Servers meeting is today following the 10am Mass.  All Knights are expected to attend.

Girls Junior Sodality - Young ladies are invited to the library today Sunday, February 17, after the 10:00am Mass to participate in an introductory meeting and small service project. Future meetings will be held on the 3rd Sunday of each month parallel to the Knights of the Altar meeting. All young ladies age 9 thru high school are welcome and encouraged to attend.  For information contact Jill Lear at

Apologetics Class—Today - Our next class with Deacon Robinson will be today, February 17, following the 10am Mass.  The class will be held in Classroom #1 in the school building.

 2019 Pilgrimage to the Holy Land - This Fall 2019 pilgrimage will be lead by Catholics of the Holy Land and will include a daily traditional Latin Mass. Chaplain: Fr. Robert Novokowsky, FSSP. October 7 - 19, 2019. For more details contact 804-320-4932 or

Blessing of Sacramentals - Procedure - Those with objects which they would like blessed should drop them off in the sacristy.  Be sure that your name is attached to your item and clearly visible.  Any items dropped off will be blessed by the following Sunday, and a note will be attached to verify this.

Hand Missals For Sale - Our parish office maintains a small inventory of Daily Hand Missals for purchase.  We offer the Missal published in 2008 by Baronius Press in association with the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter for $55.  To purchase contact the church office at

Compunction of Heart

If thou wilt make any progress keep thyself in the fear of God, and long not to be too free, but restrain all thy senses under discipline and give not thyself up to senseless mirth. Give thyself to compunction of heart and thou shalt find devotion. Compunction openeth the way for many good things, which dissoluteness is wont quickly to lose. It is wonderful that any man can ever rejoice heartily in this life who considereth and weigheth his banishment, and the manifold dangers which beset his soul.

Through lightness of heart and neglect of our shortcomings we feel not the sorrows of our soul, but often vainly laugh when we have good cause to weep. There is no true liberty nor real joy, save in the fear of God with a good conscience. Happy is he who can cast away every cause of distraction and bring himself to the one purpose of holy compunction. Happy is he who putteth away from him whatsoever may stain or burden his conscience. Strive manfully; custom is overcome by custom. If thou knowest how to let men alone, they will gladly let thee alone to do thine own works.

Busy not thyself with the affairs of others, nor entangle thyself with the business of great men. Keep always thine eye upon thyself first of all, and give advice to thyself specially before all thy dearest friends. If thou hast not the favour of men, be not thereby cast down, but let thy concern be that thou holdest not thyself so well and circumspectly, as becometh a servant of God and a devout monk. It is often better and safer for a man not to have many comforts in this life, especially those which concern the flesh. But that we lack divine comforts or feel them rarely is to our own blame, because we seek not compunction of heart, not utterly cast away those comforts which are vain and worldly.

~ Imitation of Christ - Bk 1, Ch 21