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Pentecost Sunday

June 5, 2022

Father’s Day Novena:

Father’s Day cards are available in the Vestibule for the Father’s Day Novena of Masses which will be offered June 19-June 27. Please fill out the intention envelope and place it in the collection basket by June 12.

Chant Camp 2022:

This summer’s Chant Camp under the direction of Music Director Paul Thomas May is scheduled for July 11-15. Registration for parishioners begins May 22. Registration for non-parishioners opens June 5 (if space is still available). The first four days are spent learning and preparing the sacred music for an 11am Sung Mass on the feast of St. Henry, Emperor, Confessor; other  daily activities held at Wormleysburg Park include sports/games, and Lunch. This year our instructors will include two FSSP seminarians from Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary. For more information please contact Paul Thomas May at:

Sunday Socials: Help still needed:

Please consider helping with our Sunday Socials after the 9am and 11am Masses. The goal is to have many volunteers so that volunteers only have to do their duty once every month or two. If you can help please email:

Registration at St. Lawrence Church:

The Pastor and Assistant Pastor have the special grace to guide those who are registered parishioners and are hence assigned to their care. The Mass offered for the people every Sunday, Pro Populo, is offered for those who are registered members. Anyone seeking the Sacraments of Baptism, 1st Communion, Confirmation and Matrimony here must be registered and active parishioners for 6 months. Registration forms are available on our website.

Expectant  Mothers:

If you are expecting a child and registered in the Community, please let us know so we can put  your expected date in our date book and rejoice with your family! Please send photos of your new baby to include on our new Website! Please notify us at

St Lawrence Young Adult Group:

The Young Adult Group will be meeting on Friday, June 17 for the evening Mass at 6:30pm; the Group will then travel to City Island for a Senators baseball game. Anyone wishing to attend will be responsible for both purchasing their own ticket and any food/refreshments.  Please email Fr. Killackey at: with any questions.

Fr. Smith away:

Father will be away this week June 6-10. Please keep Father in your prayers as he attends his annual required canonical retreat.

Adjustment to Wednesday and Friday Evening Confession Schedule:

Effective this week, Confessions before Mass on Wednesday and Friday evenings will begin one hour before Mass rather than 30 minutes before Mass. With the exception of First Fridays and the Third Wednesdays’ St. Jude Mass, Confessions will end at the beginning of Mass. On First Fridays and Third Wednesdays, Confessions will begin one hour before Mass and will continue during Mass as long as there are penitents. The extra half hour of Confessions before Mass should provide enough opportunity for Confession for most people. This also keeps our Confession availability for these days consistent even when one priest is gone (except for First Fridays and Third Wednesdays), and usually provides a minimum of eight hours of Confessions each week, with sometimes much more. The priests are always available, 24 hours a day and seven days a week, to hear Confessions in cases of sacramental emergency. That is, in case of mortal sin, you may call us in the middle of the night, and we will meet you at the church to hear your Confession. This shows the importance of staying, by God’s grace, in the state of grace. If one were to cut off a limb, he would not hesitate to call 911. Mortal sin is much worse, and one must address it immediately if, God forbid, he were to commit it.

Calling all Altar Boys and those interested:

Any boy who has received his First Holy Communion is invited to consider being an Altar Boy at St. Lawrence. The Altar Boys meet on the second Saturday of the month. The next regularly-scheduled practice will be June 11. The regular meeting begins after the 9 am Mass. It includes a light breakfast, a meeting led with a spiritual talk from one of the priests, practice serving, recreation, pizza for lunch, and clean up. It concludes at 12:30 pm. For more information about becoming an Altar Boy, email Fr. Smith or Mr. Pitman at:

South Street Garage Parking:

You are able to park for free on Sundays at South Street Garage. The procedure for using the garage is as follows: 1. Enter the garage using the Susquehanna Street entrance. 2. At the gate, take an entrance ticket. 3. Go to Mass and ask an usher for an exit voucher. (The exit voucher functions as your payment method). 4. When departing, use both the entrance ticket and the exit voucher at the departure gate. Any problems please notify Fr. Smith.

Banns of Marriage: Nathanael Dye and Cecilia Forbeck

Be it known to all here present that Nathanael Dye, of the quasi-parish of St. Lawrence of Rome, Deacon and Martyr, son of David and Carol Dye; and Cecilia Forbeck, daughter of Lance and Dawn Forbeck, of the quasi-parish of St. Lawrence of Rome, Deacon and Martyr; intend to be united in holy matrimony. Wherefore, we hereby admonish each and all that, if any of you has knowledge of an impediment existing which would prevent their marrying, whether it be an impediment of blood relationship, relationship through marriage, spiritual relationship, or of any other kind, you are bound to make it known to the pastor or bishop as soon as possible. This is the second publication of the banns.

Banns of Marriage: Dominic Rodriguez and Kathleen Socks

Be it known to all here present that Dominic Rodriguez of the quasi-parish of St. Lawrence of Rome, Deacon and Martyr, son of Juan and Michelle Rodriguez; and Kathleen Socks, of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Hanover, Pennsylvania, daughter of Peter and Laura Socks; intend to be united in holy matrimony. Wherefore, we hereby admonish each and all that, if any of you has knowledge of an impediment existing which would prevent their marrying, whether it be an impediment of blood relationship, relationship through marriage, spiritual relationship, or of any other kind, you are bound to make it known to the pastor or bishop as soon as possible. This is the first publication of the banns.

Email Prayer Chain:

If you are not currently on the Mater Dei prayer request email list and would like to be added, please email: In this way, Parishioners can submit prayer intentions that we then share with everyone on the email list.

Legion of Mary:

"For this is the will of God, your sanctification:..." (First Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians Chpt 4, vs 3). This is the goal of the Legion of Mary, to sanctify its members by actively bringing souls to Christ through the work of Our Lady.  Please consider becoming an active member. Guests are always welcome to attend meetings. Contact Dan Jones at: for more information.  Meetings are held on Mondays at 5:45pm.

Music Lessons:

Would you like to have your children enrolled in music lessons? The State Street Academy (SSA), which is located in the lower level of St. Lawrence, accepts students for a semester-length course of lessons in an instrument of choice with a recital at the end of the semester. There are skilled teachers for lessons in piano, violin, and voice, among other instruments. In the coming semester the SSA will be able to offer instruction in harp if there is enough interest. For further inquiries on price and/or to reserve a spot for harp lessons, please send an email to Paul Thomas May at: