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Palm Sunday

April 15, 2019

Palm Sunday—Palms

Palms will only be blessed and distributed at the 10AM Solemn High Mass today.  Palms will be available for pickup in the church throughout the week while supplies last.  Please note Confessions will not be heard during the 10AM Mass today.

Vespers Tonight

Vespers and Exposition with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will be tonight from 5:30pm–6:30pm.

Diocesan Annual Campaign

Pledge cards for the Diocesan Annual Campaign are in the back of the Church. Please fill out the pledge card and place it in the Collection basket or mail it to the office. The community must cover our assessed goal.  Anything in excess remains with Mater Dei, so thank you for your generosity!  If you have any questions or concerns Fr Eichman would appreciate the opportunity to listen to them.

  • Goal: $13,300
  • Currently Pledged: $7,076
  • Amount Needed: $6,224

High School Graduates Mass

On Friday, June 14, the 6:30pm Mass will be offered for our high school graduates.  A reception may follow depending on interest.  Families pleased direct questions to Dawn Forbeck at

FSSP Seminarian Helping for Holy Week

We are grateful to have the assistance of FSSP seminarian Oscar Torres for Holy Week.  Please keep Mr. Torres and all of our seminarians in your prayers.

Mother’s Day Novena of Masses

The Mother’s Day cards are now available for the Mother’s Day Novena of Masses which will be offered May 12th – May 20th. Please fill and place your cards into the collection basket by May 5th.

Tenebrae on Holy Saturday

All are welcome to join the priests as they chant Tenebrae on Holy Saturday morning at 7am.

St. Jude Devotion Moved

Due to Holy Week, the St. Jude devotion will be moved to next Wednesday, April 24th

Easter Duty

Every Catholic has the obligation to receive Communion at least once per year during Eastertide which continues through Trinity Sunday. In addition every Catholic is required to go to confession at least once per year.

Dress Guidelines

During the warmer months of the year, it is a good time for a reminder on modest attire. While at the church, please dress modestly. For both men and women:

  • Pants and skirts are long enough that the knees are covered when sitting.
  • The shoulders are covered.
  • No plunging necklines.
  • Clothing is not tight. Clothing is to conceal, not reveal.

These are the rules for dressing at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Please follow them when at St. Lawrence. Remember that we dress at church not for our own comfort, but to present ourselves to Our Lord. Finally: Please do not correct anyone on their attire. If you do not approve of someone’s attire, please speak to a priest about it and he will approach the person if necessary.

Holy Week Schedule 2019

Holy  Thursday

  • 7:00pm Solemn Mass (No Confessions)
  • Adoration until Midnight (Confessions during adoration)

Good Friday

  • 3:00pm Solemn Liturgy (No Confessions)
  • 7:00pm Stations of the Cross (Confessions during Stations)

Holy Saturday

  • 7:00am Tenebrae (Matins & Lauds Sung by Priests)
  • 10:00pm Solemn Liturgy (No Confessions)

Easter Sunday

  • 8:00am Low Mass
  • 10:00am Solemn High Mass

There will be the traditional Holy Thursday devotion of having adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass until Midnight.  This is the day Our Lord suffered in the Garden after the Last Supper when He asked His disciples to watch and pray with Him.  At midnight the Blessed Sacrament is removed from the church to represent Our Lord’s arrest and imprisonment