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Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

December 8, 2019

Coffee & Donuts

We will have coffee and donuts downstairs in the social hall following  the 10am Mass.

Holy Name Society Recruitment

Today and next Sunday, the Holy Name Society will be recruiting new members after both Masses.

December Youth Group

Youth Group will meet at St. Lawrence from 6pm- 9pm on Saturday, December 21 for a Gingerbread House Competition. All supplies will be provided. Please RSVP to

Celebration of Las Posadas

Please join us on Friday, December 20 at 11am for a Posada (a tradition brought to Mexico by the Missionaries in the 1500’s remembering the events which took place before the Nativity). This will include a Rosary and a "journey while singing" during which the children will reenact St. Joseph and our Blessed Mother’s search for an Inn in Bethlehem. Following this there will be food and drinks along with the traditional “Ponche,” a Mexican hot fruit tea. Please bring a meatless dish to share with everyone and invite family and friends. Seniors are encouraged to join in this spiritually oriented celebration as we prepare for Christmas.

Hand Missals For Sale

1962 Daily Hand Missals are available for purchase in the church office for $60. We offer the Missal published in 2008 by Baronius Press in association with the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter.

Candlelight Rorate Mass

This coming Saturday, December 14, we will have a special 6am Sung Mass. This Rorate Mass is lit only by candlelight. Because it is a votive Mass in Mary’s honor, white vestments are worn instead of Advent violet. In the dimly lit setting, we will prepare to honor the Light of the world, Who is soon to be born, and offer praise to God for the gift of Our Lady. As the Mass proceeds and sunrise approaches, the church becomes progressively brighter, illumined by the sun as our Faith is illumined by Christ. Rising early on a Saturday to attend would be an excellent sacrifice to make during the season of Advent.

Mater Dei Stocking Stuffers

Consider contacting the office to purchase a Mater Dei mug for Christmas this year. Mugs are available for $5 in dark blue or white.

Sacred Heart Home Enthronement— Sign Up

All who are interested in having their home enthroned to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by either Fr Eichman or Fr Killackey are encouraged to sign up today by contacting the Legion of Mary.  There are currently approximately 23 families who are on this list.  Send your request to

Legion of Mary — Door to Door Visits

Our newly formed Legion of Mary’s members are beginning to make door to door visits of Mater Dei parishioners as part of their work of conservation of the Faith.  They look forward to saying hello to as many of you as possible in the upcoming months.