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Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday)

March 14, 2021

Stations of the Cross

Our Friday evening schedule during Lent will be adjusted to include Stations of the Cross.

  • 5pm— Simple Adoration
  • 6pm—Stations of the Cross
  • 6:30pm—Low Mass

Feast of St. Joseph

This year the Feast of St. Joseph falls on a Friday. Because of this, there is no obligation to abstain from meat on Friday, March 19, 2021.

Diocesan Annual Campaign

Pledge cards for the Diocesan Annual Campaign are in the back of the Church. You can fill out the pledge card and place it in the Collection basket or mail it to the office. The community must cover our assessed goal.  Anything in excess remains with Mater Dei. Thank you for your generosity.

  • 2021 Goal: $14,630

Palm Sunday—Palms

Palms will only be blessed and distributed at the 12 Noon Solemn High Mass on Palm Sunday.  Palms will be available for pickup in the church throughout the week while supplies last.

March Youth Group Event

Our annual St. Patrick’s Day celebration will take place on Saturday, March 20 from 6-9pm. Plan for games, a talk by Father Eichman, the rosary, and if weather permits, a bonfire. Youth Group is open to all students 13 to high school graduates. Contact for more information.

Young Adult Group Monthly Brunches and Bible Study

For any young adults (18-35) interested, the Mater Dei Young Adult Group meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month for brunch at the Squeaky Rail Diner (505 N Enola Rd, Enola, PA 17025)  around 1:40pm (after the noon Mass).  Also, any young adult of the parish is welcome to join a monthly virtual Genesis Bible study hosted by Fr. Killackey through Zoom.  These sessions meet on the 3rd Friday of each month from 8:15-9:00pm.  For more information, please email Fr. Killackey at

Girls Sodality Event

On March 20, from 2-4pm, the Girl's Sodality will be celebrating the Feast of St. Joseph (a day late). For more information contact Jill Lear at