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Fourth Sunday of Advent

December 22, 2019

Coffee & Donuts

We will have coffee and donuts downstairs in the social hall following  the 10am Mass.

Sung Vespers Tonight

We will have Sung Vespers with organ accompaniment and Exposition with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament tonight from 5:30pm– 6:30pm.

No Catechism Class Today

There will be no Catechism class today Sunday, December 22, or next Sunday, December 29. Classes will resume on January 5.

Christmas Season  Mass Schedule

December 25 — Christmas Day:

  • Midnight Mass
  • 8am Low Mass
  • 10am Sung Mass

December 26—St. Stephen

  • 10am Sung Mass

December 28— Holy Innocents

  • 9am Sung Mass

January 1 — Octave of the Nativity

  • 8am Low Mass
  • 10am Sung Mass

January 6 — Epiphany

  • 6pm Sung Mass

Lost & Found Giveaway

Next Sunday whatever is left in the Lost & Found box will be donated. The box is on the bench in the vestibule if you would like to check its contents before then.

2020 FSSP Calendars Available

The 2020 FSSP Calendars are available in the back of the church. A donation of $10 is recommended.

Church Cleaning

Due to some recent vacancies on our roster, we are in need of one (or more!) volunteers to help out on the Second Saturdays of the month. Our Church is cleaned by teams of parishioners who volunteer about 90 minutes of their time once a month on a rotating schedule to ensure the buildings get cleaned weekly. There are substitutes as well who fill in as needed when their schedules permit. If you are interested in helping but cannot commit regularly, then this is a good option for you! We are also looking to start a flexible position laundering a few items once a month or every other month. If interested in taking on any of these tasks in full or even just occasionally, please contact  Sara Sides

Sacred Heart Home Enthronement— Sign Up

All who are interested in having their home enthroned to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by either Fr Eichman or Fr Killackey are encouraged to sign up today by contacting the Legion of Mary.  There are currently approximately 24 families who are on this list.  Send your request to

Legion of Mary — Door to Door Visits

Our newly formed Legion of Mary’s members are beginning to make door to door visits of Mater Dei parishioners as part of their work of conservation of the Faith.  They look forward to saying hello to as many of you as possible in the upcoming months.

Epiphany Water Blessing

On Sunday, January 5, at approximately 11:45am, we will bless Epiphany Water.  Feel free to bring your own containers of water to be blessed.  But only containers of one gallon or larger will be blessed individually.  We will also bless an additional 25 gallons that smaller bottles can be filled from.

Phishing Alert

If you receive an email from someone claiming to be Fr Eichman asking for money, before responding make sure it is from his email address and not a scammer.