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Fourth Sunday of Advent

December 19, 2021

From the Pastor

What a joy it was to have Bishop Gainer at our church yesterday celebrating the work of the Lord in this wonderful parish. We presented to him the spiritual bouquet that so many of you contributed to over these past two months. The bishop said that he has never received so many thank you messages for any thing that he has done as has received from the people of this parish in thanksgiving for his work here. I am very grateful to you and proud of you for showing your gratitude to him. I am very grateful too to the nearly 100 people who worked to make our day yesterday perfect in every way. Of course, we were so happy to welcome back Fr. Eichman, whose work made possible all that the bishop has done for us. It was very good that we could have other Fraternity and diocesan clergy visit us too, to help us make the sacred episcopal ceremonies very special and dignified. The altar boys, choir, sacristans, ushers, church cleaners, and IT people also provided indispensable help. And what an amazing party we had at the Civic Club of Harrisburg after the Mass. We would not have been able to have that beautiful party without the army of volunteers who did everything from wrapping the utensils, setting up the Civic Club, cooking the food, directing traffic, moving the food, monitoring the food and drink tables, removing the trash during the party, cleaning up afterwards, serving the drinks, running the food, cleaning up the Civic Club afterwards, and moving the items back to the church after all was said and done. Finally, and not least, I want to thank the 25 people whose financial contributions help us raise about $6,000 to pay for the cost of this event, which includes hiring of singers for the Mass, travel for some of the clergy to come, use of the Civic Club, food supplies and paper products purchased by the parish. We expect that we will have perhaps $2,000 excess, which will go to our building fund. Thank you very much to all who have done so much for this special day.

May God reward you!

Fr. Smith

FSSP 2022 Calendars:

You will find the calendars on the back table inside the Church. The cost is $11.00. Please place payment in metal box labeled Calendars. Thank you!

Book-sales Table

Items for sale: After 9am & 11am Mass

  • 2022 FSSP Calendars: $11.00
  • Children’s Illustrated Calendar- 4-piece: 18x24 inch posters. 4-piece Calendar set: $29.00
  • Mother Love: $18.00
  • Angelus Press Hand Missal: $55.00

Calling More Altar Boys:

All boys of St. Lawrence who have received their 1st Holy Communion are invited to become altar boys starting January 2.  We will have new altar boys start as torch bearers for the Sunday High Masses, then as they learn their responses and server rubrics, they will be given a chance to start serving Low Masses.  For more information, please email

Bulletin Deadline:

Announcements for the Bulletin should be sent to by the Monday—prior to that week’s bulletin by 9am. Thank you.

Blessings of Homes for Epiphany

The priests will visit homes of the Faithful to give the traditional home blessing with the Epiphany water created in a special ceremony on the vigil of the Epiphany (Jan. 5). The priests will organize their visits so that they will spend about 15-to 30-minutes at each home, which will include: blessing each room (or each room you would like to be blessed) with incense (in remembrance of the gift of frankincense from the Magi) and Epiphany water (in remembrance of the baptism of Our Lord, also commemorated at the Feast of the Epiphany), then using the chalk blessed on the Epiphany, they will mark the main door of the house with the symbol 20C + M + B +22. This home blessing, one of the most beautiful sacramentals the Church provides, will be done during the octave of the Epiphany (Jan. 6 to 13) on a first-come, first-served basis for those who request it. For those who cannot be accommodated this year, we will put them first on the list for next year. If you would like to avail yourselves of this tradition, make your request by sending a message to All requests must be made before Jan. 1. The priests would be able to visit more homes if they could be driven from home to home by a father-son team, with the father driving and the son dressed in cassock and surplice assisting the priest for the blessings. If a father and son are able to volunteer for this duty, please email the same address and indicate what day (or days) you would be able to help.

Music Lessons:

Would you like to have your children enrolled in music lessons? The State Street Academy (SSA), which is located in the St. Lawrence lower level, accepts students for a semester-length course of lessons in an instrument of choice with a recital at the end of the semester. There are skilled teachers for lessons in piano, violin, and voice among other instruments. In the coming semester the SSA will be able to offer instruction in harp if there is enough interest. For further inquiries on price and/or to reserve a spot for harp lessons, please send an email to Paul Thomas May at

HNS Membership Drive:

Catholic men 18 years of age and older are invited to join the St. Lawrence Holy Name Society. Information about this traditional confraternity can be found at  There will be a new member induction ceremony in early January and all eligible males are encouraged to consider this spiritual and social opportunity. To seek enrollment or for additional information about the specific activities of the Holy Name Society at St. Lawrence, please contact Anthony Patterson at

Registration at St. Lawrence Church:

The Pastor and Assistant Pastor have the special grace to guide those who are registered parishioners and are hence assigned to their care. The Mass offered for the people every Sunday, Pro populo, is offered for those who are registered members. Anyone seeking the Sacraments of Baptism, 1st Communion, Confirmation and Matrimony here must be registered and active parishioners for 6 months. Registration forms are available on our website.

Thank you for Thanksgiving bags:

Dear St. Lawrence Parishioners, Thank you and God bless you for your goodness to those in need. Your sacrifice will not only help warm the poor, but nurture them in body, soul, and spirit. The healing that takes place has a lasting effect on our community. You are making  the Silence of Mary’s mission a reality. Together we are making a difference. We are blessed with your support

—With sincere appreciation, the Silence of Mary family

Openings in the Choir at St. Lawrence:

The choir has openings for additional dedicated volunteers and three qualified section leaders. Members are expected to be available for Thursday evening rehearsals, Sunday 11 am Masses throughout the year, and for other important Feast Days as notified. Volunteers with previous choral experience are preferred, but those with strong desire may be considered at the discretion of the Music Director. Section Leader positions are available for Soprano, Alto, and Tenor; all applicants must audition and demonstrate strong vocal musicianship. Inquiries can be directed to Paul Thomas May at

Sunday Socials returning in January:

We will begin our Sunday Socials in January after the 9am and11am Mass.    The goal is to have many volunteers so that volunteers only have to do their duty once every month or two, and volunteers are needed in the following areas:

  • Doughnut Procurement: (1 volunteer weekly; 6—8 volunteers in rotation) Instructions will be provided for ordering and picking up doughnuts at your local Giant. The volunteer then deliver the doughnuts to the social hall kitchen prior to the 9am Mass.
  • Coffee Social Setup: (2—4 volunteers needed weekly) Prepare the social hall for the coffee social. This involves preparing the coffee and drink table and setting up the refreshment table.
  • Coffee Social Cleanup: (2—4 volunteers needed weekly) Clean social hall after 4pm.
  • Coffee Social Greeter: (1 volunteer needed weekly) Greet parishioners at the door and let them into the Social Hall.

Please contact email to volunteer.

Expectant  Mothers:

If you are expecting a child and registered in the Community, please let us know so we can put  your expected date in our date book and rejoice with your family! Please notify us at