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Fourth Sunday of Advent

December 23, 2018

Coffee & Donuts - We will have coffee & donuts in the downstairs Social Hall following the 10am Mass this morning.  All are welcome to join us.  Access the side door on Buttonwood.

Building Fund Collection Today - Today is our monthly Building Fund collection.  Thank you for your generosity as we continue to pay off the loan on the new rectory.

Sung Vespers Tonight - Sung Vespers with ceremony followed by exposition will be tonight at 5:30—6:30pm.  Handouts will be available to follow along.

Confessions Time Christmas Eve - Confession times will be limited on Christmas Day.  Tomorrow, December 24, we will have additional Confessions.  The schedule is as follows:

  • 6:40AM
  • 8:00—9:00AM
  • 11:30—1:00PM

 Thank You! - Thank you to all who helped to clean and decorate the church and school for the Christmas season.

Christmas Break for Catechism Classes - There will be no catechism classes held on December 23, 30 or January 6.  Classes resume on January 13.

 St. Tarcisius Group Christmas Break - Our next St. Tarcisius meeting will be the first Saturday of February.

 Please Stay Home if Sick - If you are sick and contagious, it is not necessary to come to Mass.  In such instances, it is an act of charity toward your fellow parishioners, especially those more susceptible to illness, to remain at home.

Online Giving Available - You are able to visit our website to make a one time gift to Mater Dei or to set up recurring monthly offerings.  Visit and click “Donate.”

Mass Intentions - We are currently taking Mass intentions for the 2019 Calendar year.  If any individual would like to request more than 10 Masses for 2019 at this point, direct this request to Fr Franco in person.  Note that multiple stipends for multiple Masses can be added together in one single check.  Recommended stipend is $10 per Mass.

Registration at Mater Dei - The Chaplain and Assistant Chaplain have the special grace to guide those who are registered parishioners and are hence assigned to their care.  The Mass offered for the people every Sunday, Pro Populo, is offered for those who are registered members.  Anyone seeking the Sacraments of Baptism, 1st Communion, Confirmation and Matrimony here must be registered and active parishioners for 6 months.  Registration forms are available in the back of church or on our website.

Sung Mass & Solemn High Mass - There will be a 10am Sung Mass on Wednesday, December 26 and a Solemn High Mass on Friday, December 28 at 6:30pm.

Christmas Season Schedule

Christmas, Tuesday, December 25

  • 12 am        Sung Mass * -  Carols beginning at 11:30pm
  • 8 am        Low Mass
  • 10 am       Sung Mass * -  Choristers Singing

Feast of St Stephen, Wednesday, December 26

  • 10 am        Sung Mass
  • 7 pm        Low Mass

Feast of Holy Innocents, Friday, December 28

  • 7:10 am Low Mass
  • 6:30pm Solemn High Mass

Sunday, December 30

  • 8 am Low Mass
  • 10 am Solemn High Mass

Octave of the Nativity, Tuesday, January 1

  • 8 am Low Mass
  • 10 am Solemn High Mass

Vigil of Epiphany, Saturday, January 5

  • Regular Mass Schedule
  • Blessing of Epiphany Water after 9:00 am Mass

Tuesday, January 7

  • 5:30pm Sung Vespers
  • 6pm Christmas/Epiphany Party

*No Confessions