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Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

July 7, 2019

Coffee & Donuts

We will have coffee & donuts in the downstairs Social Hall following both the 8am and the 10am Mass.

Welcome Fr. John Killackey

Please give a warm welcome to our newly assigned priest Fr. John Killackey. Originally from Wayne NJ, Fr. Killackey graduated from Christendom in 2011 and taught school for two years before discerning his call to the priesthood. He was ordained on May 24, 2019.

Girls’ Sodality Trip to Elysburg Carmel

The Girls’ Sodality will be taking a trip to the Carmel of Jesus, Mary & Joseph in Elysburg, PA on Tuesday, July 30.  This trip is open to all the girls of the parish ages 9 – 18.  We will be having Mass there at 9 am, followed by a speakroom visit with the Discalced Carmelite Nuns, and then a picnic there on the grounds.  We should be headed back to Harrisburg by 1 pm.  There may be some spots available if you are in need of transportation, but all moms are welcome to attend.  For more information, please contact Jill Lear at

Choir Auditions

Mater Dei's choral program has grown in the past two years, and will now split into two choirs for next choir season. The Sunday choir (to be called the Schola Sancti Gregorii) will now be an auditioned group. This group will sing for weekly Sunday Masses, and will be devoted to the Church's great patrimony of chant, hymns, and renaissance polyphony, constantly learning new repertoire and pushing its own boundaries. If you are interested, or know any interested singers, brief auditions will be held at 7pm on Thursday evening, 8/1, in the main classroom in the presence of two adjudicators. Please visit for details. A non-auditioned choir (the Schola Angelorum) will also be available for singers who desire to share their talents without the more stringent commitment and audition requirements of the Schola Sancti Gregorii. This group will sing for special Masses such as Feast Days, the St. Jude Devotion, Confirmations, etc., and will rehearse as assigned for the Masses it will sing. Both choirs are of great importance to the liturgical life of our community, and both will provide a rich musical and spiritual experience for members. Email or speak with Patrick Torsell for more details.

Girls’ Sodality — Thank You

Thank you to the Girls’ Sodality for replacing the old bushes in front of the church with new flowers and trees.  We are grateful for  their time and effort to make the exterior of our church more beautiful.

Dress Guidelines

During the warmer months of the year, it is a good time for a reminder on modest attire. While at the church, please dress modestly. For both men and women:

  • Pants and skirts are long enough that the knees are covered when sitting.
  • he shoulders are covered.
  • No plunging necklines.
  • Clothing is not tight. Clothing is to conceal, not reveal.

These are the rules for dressing at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Please follow them when at St. Lawrence. Remember that we dress at church not for our own comfort, but to present ourselves to Our Lord. Finally: Please do not correct anyone on their attire. If you do not approve of someone’s attire, please speak to a priest about it and he will approach the person if necessary.

Warm Weather Reminder

Remember that if any needy person approaches you at St. Lawrence requesting money or another type of material aid, please do not give them any. Instead, direct them to one of the priests.  They know the local needy and how best to help them.