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Fourth Sunday after Easter

May 19, 2019

Coffee & Donuts

We will have coffee & donuts in the downstairs Social Hall following the 10am Mass.

Father Eichman’s Ordination Anniversary

Today, May 19th, marks the 7th anniversary of Father Eichman’s ordination to the priesthood. Please join us for cake in the social hall after the 10am Mass to celebrate.

Carnations—Thank You

Thank you for supporting the Junior Sodality’s pro-life efforts through donations for the Mother’s Day carnations.  We will be able to send a check for $210 to the Pennsylvanians for Human Life.

Girls’ Junior Sodality Meeting

This month’s Junior Sodality will meet today after the 10am Mass on the 2nd floor in classroom #3.  All young ladies age 9 through high school are welcome and encouraged to attend.  Contact Jill Lear with any questions at

First Communion

This Sunday our First Communicants will be receiving their First Holy Communion at the 10am Mass.  Please keep them in your prayers.

Hymn of the Week

Each Friday afternoon we publish a short 3 minute video on a hymn for the upcoming Sunday. The videos provide liturgical, historical, and musical insights, and introduce the melody of the hymn to help you sing along. The video featuring today’s hymn, Be Joyful Mary, Heavenly Queen, is at Be sure to check out next Sunday’s hymn in this Friday’s video.

End of Choir Season

June 23 will the be last Sunday of Choir season.    Throughout the summer, the 10am Sunday Mass will be a Low Mass with hymns.  The choir will resume singing the first Sunday of September.  We thank the choir members for their dedication to the Sacred Liturgy and the beauty that they add.

St. Tarcisius Meeting

Our next St. Tarcisius Meeting is Saturday, June 1st from 5-7pm. The group is for children ages 5 – 12 and meets monthly in order to train the children to meditate. Each meeting includes a short, priest led meditation, the rosary, and a potluck dinner. Meetings are the 1st Saturday of the month from 5-7pm. For information concerning the location of our April meeting please contact us at

Knights of the Altar

The Knights of the Altar will meet following the 10am Mass this morning.

Chant Camp

This year’s chant camp will be June 24-28. In addition to learning Sacred Music, the campers will have time for games and sports each day at a nearby park. There will be a mandatory volunteer meeting on Sunday, June 9th, following the 10am Mass.