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Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

August 25, 2019

Coffee & Donuts

We will have coffee & donuts in the downstairs social hall following the 10am Mass.

Building Fund Collection

Today we will have a second collection for the Building Fund. Your continued generosity is greatly appreciated as we first pay off the rectory and then begin to address our most critical future needs.

Sung Vespers Tonight

We will have Sung Vespers with organ accompaniment and Exposition with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament tonight from 5:30pm–6:30pm. Sheets will be provided for all to follow along.

Labor Day Schedule

We will have a special Mass schedule for Labor Day on Monday, September 2nd:

  • 8am Simple Adoration
  • 9am Low Mass.

Adult Convert/Catechism Classes Beginning

If  you or someone you know is interested in converting to the Catholic faith, Fr. Killackey will be offering an adult catechism class on Monday evenings at 7pm, beginning Monday, September 9th. Contact with questions.

August Youth Group Event

Please join us for 6:30 pm Mass at St. Lawrence followed by a Senators game at City Island with post-game fireworks on Friday, August 30th. The Youth Group is open to people ages 13-18. For more info or to reserve your $11 ticket, contact Mrs. Forbeck at

Friday Morning Religious Education —-

Registration Currently Open

Registration for our Friday morning Religious Education is currently open.  Classes in the program include Catholic Morality for high schoolers, Bible History for elementary level students, sacred music and an hour of gym.  For more information contact Dawn Forbeck at

Catechism Classes

Registration for our catechism program will be open after Masses on September 1st. A mandatory parent meeting will be held on Sunday, September 29th at 9:15am.  The first day of classes will be on October 6th.  All students must be  registered parishioners of Mater Dei.

Choir Season Resumes 9/1

Choir season will resume the first Sunday of September and the weekly 10am Sunday Mass will again be a Sung Mass. Music for Sunday Mass this choir season will be provided by the Schola Sancti Gregorii, Mater Dei's auditioned choir led by our professional section leaders. Music for Feast Days and other Sung Masses throughout the year will be provided by Mater Dei's open choir, the Schola Angelorum.


St. Tarcisius Meeting

Our next St. Tarcisius Meeting is Saturday, September 7th, from 5-7pm. The group is for children ages 5 – 12 and meets monthly in order to train the children to meditate. Each meeting includes a short, priest led meditation, the rosary, and a potluck dinner. Meetings are the 1st Saturday of the month from 5-7pm. For information concerning the location of our June meeting please contact us at

New Wednesday Mass

Beginning Wednesday, September 4th,  we will be offering Mass each Wednesday at 6:15am, in addition to the 7pm evening Mass.