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Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

August 4, 2019

Coffee & Donuts

We will have coffee & donuts in the downstairs Social Hall following both the 8am and the 10am Mass.

Ordination & First Mass— Brother Thomas Mary

Brother Thomas Mary will be ordained a priest on Saturday, August 10th, at 10am by Cardinal Burke in the Cathedral of St. Patrick.  All are invited to attend. On Sunday, August 11th, our 10am Mass will be offered by Brother in the presence of Cardinal Burke.  This will be his first Mass.  This Mass will be of the Carmelite Rite which is similar to the Roman Rite Mass we are accustomed to but with a few differences. Brother expects to have a large number of guests attending this Mass, but since it is our main Sunday Mass, Mater Dei parishioners are expected to attend as usual. Information concerning Br Thomas Mary’s community can be found at

Altar Servers Training Day

Tuesday, August 6th, Frs. Eichman and Killackey and Patrick Torsell will lead a servers’ training day for all Knights of the Altar and any other boys interested in learning to serve. The day will begin after the morning Mass with training at St. Lawrence and end mid-afternoon with sports and games at a nearby park.  For more information and to RSVP contact

Parish Picnic

Our annual parish picnic will be held on Sunday, August 11th, at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Mechanicsburg, PA beginning at 12pm. The address is 310 Hertzler Rd, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055. Attendance will be roughly twice as large as usual with Brother Thomas Mary’s  guests so we will need more volunteers than in past years. Sign up sheets for food and volunteer duties are in the vestibule.

Professional Choir for First Mass

Music for Brother Thomas Mary's First Mass next Sunday will be provided by a 12-voice professional choir, including Mater Dei's section leaders. Beautiful polyphonic selections will include William Byrd's Mass For Five Voices, Allegri's Miserere, and much more.

Adult Convert/Catechism Classes Beginning

If  you or someone you know is interested in converting to the Catholic faith, Fr. Killackey will be offering an adult catechism class on Monday evenings at 7pm, beginning September 2nd. Contact with questions.

Special Church Cleaning — Friday Evening

This Friday evening we are looking for 7-10 extra people to help clean the church/school building in preparation for Cardinal Burke’s visit.  Sara Side will be at a table outside of church following Mass to take names and answer any questions.  She can also be contacted at Thanks for your generosity!