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Easter Sunday

April 17, 2022

Mozart Orchestral Mass for today, Easter Sunday:

Just as at Christmas, we will offer a Solemn High Mass at 11 am Easter Sunday morning accompanied by an orchestra assembled by our music director, Paul Thomas May, playing Mozart’s Kliene Credomesse (K192). It promises to be a glorious way to celebrate our most important feast day.

Blessing of Paschal lambs, eggs, bread, and new fruits:

After the 11 am orchestral Mass today, Easter Sunday, the priests will give special blessings only given at Easter for any lambs, eggs, bread, or new fruits that parishioners would like to bring to be blessed.

Today, Sunday Social and Easter Egg Hunt at the Civic Club to celebrate Easter:

On Easter Sunday, April 17, we will have our coffee and doughnut social after the 11am Mozart Orchestral Mass at the Civic Club on Front Street. We will continue this temporarily during part of the Easter season, on April 24, May 1, and May 8. We will need additional volunteers, including crossing guards. If you can help, please contact socials@

Thank you to everyone:

We see how much you love your altar boys! At least four different benefactors offered to fund the entire $1,700 cost of the new cassocks and surplices that are needed for our altar boys. Thank you very much to each of you, and to the donor who just put the check in the collection basket and added the helpful note to the effect of “or for other items as needed”.

In addition, thank you to the donor who has paid for the entire 144-book series of the Fathers of the Church, newly published by CUA Press, a fantastic $3,000 addition to our growing parish library, which now has over 200 new volumes including two dedicated series on St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine.

Thank you too to the young engaged couple who donated $1,000 for altar items, as well as the families who have simply sent in substantial checks as special donations to help the parish. Each of these donations will be used to help our beautiful parish! May God reward you for your generosity!

The Confraternity of Christian Mothers:

All women in the parish, married, single, with or without children, are asked and encouraged to join The Confraternity of Christian Mothers, under the patronage of Our Lady of Sorrows. Today’s Christian families are under attack more than ever and are in need of the support and prayers of both material and spiritual mothers everywhere.

The Confraternity was officially established in 1850 in France in response to a culture shift that had become increasingly opposed to Catholic values. Its end goal and purpose was then, and still remains today, the Christian education of the children. The mission has spread significantly, with now more than 3,500 Confraternities worldwide. (Among the noteworthy members was St. Therese’s mother, St. Zelie Martin.)

Those who belong to the Confraternity gather to pray, discuss, and advise one another. Most importantly, they share in all of the prayers of, and graces gained from, all of the other members throughout the world. In addition, the Church grants members special indulgences on various feast days throughout the year. There are very few membership obligations in exchange for abundant graces and benefits.

There will be a Solemn Reception Mass on Friday, April 22 at 6:30 pm for those women wishing to join the Confraternity of Christian Mothers. It is an honor that Fr. Joseph Tuscan, OFM Cap, National Director of the Confraternity, will be present for the Mass and induction ceremony that evening.

Future meetings will be held after the 9 am Mass on the 4th Saturday of the month, unless otherwise noted. Attendance is encouraged, but not necessary to be a member, and the inability to attend these meetings should in no way deter anyone from joining the Confraternity. For more information or to register to be included in the Solemn Reception Mass,  please contact Stephanie Fonticoba at

Calling all Altar Boys and those interested:

Any boy who has received his First Holy Communion is invited to consider being an altar boy at St. Lawrence. The altar boys meet on the second Saturday of the month. Due to the special schedule for Holy Week, the next regularly-scheduled practice will be May 14, but special practices will be held for those serving during Holy Week. The regular meeting begins after the 9 am Mass, and concludes at 12:30 pm, and includes a light breakfast, a meeting with a spiritual talk from one of the priests, practice serving, recreation, pizza for lunch, and clean up. For more information about becoming an altar boy, email Fr. Smith or Mr. Pitman at

Openings in the Choir at St. Lawrence:

The choir has openings for additional dedicated volunteers and one qualified section leader. Members are expected to be available for Thursday evening rehearsals, Sunday 11am Masses throughout the year, and for other important Feast Days as notified. Volunteers with previous choral experience are preferred, but those with strong desire may be considered at the discretion of the Music Director. Section Leader position is available for Tenor; all applicants must audition and demonstrate strong vocal musicianship. Inquiries can be directed to Paul Thomas May at

Expectant  Mothers:

If you are expecting a child and registered in the Community, please let us know so we can put  your expected date in our date book and rejoice with your family! Please send photos of your new baby’s baptism to include on our new Website! Please notify us at

Sunday Socials: Help still needed:

Please consider helping with our Sunday Socials after the 9am and 11am Mass. The goal is to have many volunteers so that volunteers only have to do their duty once every month or two. If you can help please email


Congratulations to Jonathan and Elizabeth Gearhart on the Baptism of their daughter Juliet Aubrey Gearhart on April 16, 2022.

Banns of Marriage: Evan Albright and Celine Mason

Let it be known to all here present that Evan Blair Albright, son of Scott Albright and Nicole Price and Celine Genevieve Mason, daughter of Craig Mason and Susanne Mason, intend to contract marriage between themselves. Therefore, we admonish all that if anyone is aware of any existing impediment that would prohibit marriage between them, that he is obligated to reveal it as soon as possible to the Parish Priest, and this serves as the first publication of these Banns.

Easter Letter from Bishop Gainer:

Please note we have received an Easter letter from our Bishop, copies of which are available near the front door of the church.