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24th Sunday after Pentecost

November 24, 2019

Coffee & Donuts

We will have coffee and donuts downstairs in the social hall following the 10am Mass.

Costs Not Covered — Coffee & Donuts

We spend on average $82.95 per week on Coffee & Donut for the social after Mass.  Ideally this entire cost would be covered by the attendees.  Unfortunately we only receive $10 - $15 each week in donations to cover these expenses.  Please consider helping offset this substantial expense when you attend.  A basket is always near the donuts to place your contribution in.  Thank you!

Young Adult Group Event Tonight

The Mater Dei Young Adult Group will be going on a bowling and pizza outing to Trindle's Bowling Alley (4695 East Trindle Rd, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050) tonight after Vespers at Mater Dei.  Any young adults (18-35) are more than welcome to join.  The group will meet for Vespers at 5:30pm, and then head on over to be at the bowling alley around 7pm.  Please bring $15 to cover the cost of bowling and pizza.

No Catechism Class Next Sunday

There will be no Catechism class next Sunday, December 1st. There is class today, November 24th.

Mater Dei Stocking Stuffers

Please consider contacting the office to purchase a Mater Dei mug for Christmas this year. Mugs are available for $5 in dark blue or white.

Sung Vespers Tonight

We will have Sung Vespers with organ accompaniment and Exposition with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament tonight from 5:30pm–6:30pm. Sheets will be provided for all to follow along.

Legion of Mary — Door to Door Visits

Our newly formed Legion of Mary’s members are beginning to make door to door visits of Mater Dei parishioners as part of their work of conservation of the Faith.  They look forward to saying hello to as many of you as possible in the upcoming months.

Thanksgiving Schedule

The liturgical schedule for Thanksgiving Day is as follows:

  • 8am Simple Adoration
  • 9am Mass

Building Fund Collection

Today we will have a second collection for the Building Fund. Your continued generosity is greatly appreciated as we first pay off the rectory and then begin to address our most critical future needs.