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20th Sunday after Pentecost

October 10, 2021

Spiritual Bouquet for Bishop Gainer and his Intentions:

We invite you and your family to participate in a spiritual bouquet that we are organizing for Bishop Gainer. Please write down some spiritual offering (one Rosary, one Holy Communion, a Holy Hour, etc.) that you will make for the bishop, and perhaps include some words of thanks, and we will collect them from the whole parish and deliver them to him soon. Please submit them in an envelope marked “spiritual bouquet for Bishop Gainer” to the office (either in person, via post, or via the collection). We will open the envelopes and organize them before we submit them.

Openings in the Choir at St. Lawrence:

The choir has openings for additional dedicated volunteers and three qualified section leaders. Members are expected to be available for Thursday evening rehearsals, Sunday 11 am Masses throughout the year, and for other important Feast Days as notified. Volunteers with previous choral experience are preferred, but those with strong desire may be considered at the discretion of the Music Director. Section Leader positions are available for Soprano, Alto, and Tenor; all applicants must audition and demonstrate strong vocal musicianship. Inquiries can be directed to Paul Thomas May at

South Street Garage Parking:

You are now able to park for free on Sundays at South Street Garage. The procedure for using the garage is as follows:

  1. Enter the garage using the Susquehanna Street entrance.
  2. At the gate, take an entrance ticket.
  3. Go to Mass and ask an usher for an exit voucher. (The exit voucher functions as your payment method).
  4. When departing, use both the entrance ticket and the exit voucher at the departure gate.

Also, this is new to us here at St. Lawrence, so there are bound to be some challenges along the way. If you experience any, please let Fr. Smith know.

Church Purchase and Construction Financial Expertise Needed:

As we prepare to purchase St. Lawrence Church, Fr. Smith would be very grateful for help from anyone with expertise in finance, accounting, or bookkeeping. These skills will be very helpful for doing a proper assessment of our financial picture so Father can make the right decisions. Please email Father if you have this expertise and are willing and able to help:

 Young Adults today:

For any young adults (ages 18-35) interested, the Mater Dei Young Adult Group will be meeting after the 11am Mass today, October 10, at Squeaky Rail Diner ( 505 N Enola Rd, Enola, PA 17025) to have brunch together. We will meet there around 1pm. For further information about the Mater Dei Young Adult Group, email Fr. Killackey at

Members wanted for church Technical Advisory Council: As we prepare for the purchase of St. Lawrence church, we will be responsible for maintaining and possibly expanding the building. Therefore, we need the help of technical professionals and tradesmen to guide the pastor on the best decisions to make. So, please consider offering your expertise, time, or talent if you have training or work in one of the following fields: architecture, carpentry, design, electrical wiring, IT, flooring, roofing, structural engineering, HVAC, plumbing, and project management. If interested, please email

All Saints Day Celebration—October 31, 2021

The celebration will take place at Castle Creek Farm, Dillsburg, beginning around 1 PM. An email went out this past week with sign up info. Signing up is important for planning purposes, as well as for receiving important logistical and safety information closer to the date. If you did not receive the email and would like to attend, please email

Introducing Exposition and Benediction on Sunday evenings:

Beginning Nov. 14, we will adjust the Sunday evening schedule as follows: Sung Vespers every Sunday at 5 pm; Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament between Vespers and Mass; Mass at 6 pm (as currently). Confessions will take place during Exposition and Benediction, and will end at the beginning of Mass.

Sunday Social- Volunteers needed:

We are looking for individuals to serve on a committee and coordinate future Sunday Socials. If you can help, please contact the Office at

Email Prayer Chain:

If you are not currently on the Mater Dei prayer request email list and would like to be, email to be added. Parishioners are able to send in prayer intentions which are then shared with everyone on the email list.