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18th Sunday after Pentecost

October 13, 2019

Coffee & Donuts

We will have coffee and donuts downstairs in the social hall following the 10am Mass.

Confessions Before Mass Only Today

Confessions will end 10 minutes before Mass today.

October Sunday Afternoon Sports

For those interested, Fr. Killackey will be leading Sunday Afternoon Sports at Wormleysburg Park (710 N River St.) today starting at 12 noon.  We will be playing ultimate frisbee this month.  There is a pavilion area for those who just want to sit and relax.  Transportation will not be provided.

Legion of Mary Meeting

After our information meeting 2 weeks ago we would like to try to establish a Legion of Mary presidium at Mater Dei. Our meetings will initially (for around the first six weeks) be on Monday evenings at 7pm and last approximately one and a quarter hour. In addition there will be a two hour work assignment for active members each week and daily prayers for auxiliary members. After the first six weeks we may change the day of week based on what is best for the majority of members schedules. So if Mondays are not the best fit don’t let that discourage you! Our first meeting will be Monday October 21st, at 7pm in classroom 1.

Young Ladies Tea

The Junior Sodality will be hosting a Young Ladies Tea on October 26th.  Girls of the parish (ages 9 -18) are invited to this morning Tea at St. Lawrence with a talk from Fr Eichman. For more details or to RSVP, please contact Jill Lear.

All Souls Day Cemetery Visit

Members of the Holy Name Society will be visiting Mount Calvary Cemetery, 500 S. 13th Street, to pray for the dead after the 9am Mass on Saturday, November 2nd.  All are welcome to join them in this Spiritual Work of Mercy.

Introductory Latin Class

A High School Latin teacher has offered to give an introductory Latin Course at Mater Dei.  It will likely be a weekday in the early evening.  If you are interested and would like more information please contact the office.

Office Closed Tuesday

The parish office will be closed this coming Tuesday, October 15th.

All Souls Novena

All Souls Day envelopes are in the back of church for the All Souls Novena of Masses on November 2nd-10th. Put your envelopes in the collection basket no later than Sunday October 27th.

Catholic Philosophy Class

Deacon Robinson is offering a course on Catholic Philosophy beginning on October 27th following 10am Mass.  This course will present Catholic Philosophy in layman’s terms and will bring forward valuable lessons while also highlighting errant modern philosophies of the day. The compare and contrast will help all to see clearer correct Catholic thinking while showing how modern philosophies have created a culture of death and culture of hedonism.  This 8 class course is available to all, but recommended for those 9th grade and above. A sign up with dates for classes is on the bulletin board in the narthex.

All Saints Day Party Canceled

Our annual All Saints Party had to be cancelled for this year. Unfortunately, we had insufficient volunteers for the event. We thank those who did offer their help. With the help of new volunteers we hope to resurrect this party next year.