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16th Sunday after Pentecost

September 12, 2021


The Future of Mater Dei

Having started out at Trinity High School in Camp Hill in 1988, the community now known as Mater Dei has been tenants at St. Lawrence Church since 2005. Recently, the Bishop of Harrisburg has offered us the opportunity to purchase this church.

Throughout the years, many scenarios for this community have been considered, including moving to a different church or buying land outside of Harrisburg and building a new church. For so many reasons, however, the chaplains and members have kept coming back to the conclusion that St. Lawrence Church is the best place for this community. This is for many reasons: moving locations would inevitably be bad for some members of the community; it would be far more expensive to build a church from the ground up; and perhaps most compelling of all, regardless of whether we would acquire another church or build one, there is very little chance our new church would be as beautiful or as perfectly designed as this gem in Harrisburg. Of course there are other reasons for staying, but these seem to be the primary ones made over the years. The question before us then, is not whether we should stay or move, but whether we should continue renting or take advantage of this opportunity to buy this beautiful church.

As part of this consideration, we need to consider the long-term needs of the community, and what the members think would be best. Your answers will guide the chaplain and the finance council as they discern what is best for this community. We do know that parking is an important need for the community, and we are in discussions with the Cathedral to develop a common solution, about which I may conduct another survey. Please prayerfully consider these six questions, which will be very helpful to us. The survey can be found here:

Friday Morning Religious Education Today is the last chance to register for Mater Dei Community Friday Academic Program. Fill out your registration form after Mass today or email Dawn Forbeck at Classes begin this Friday, September 17th.

Catechism Class Registration

Registration day for this year’s Sunday Catechism program will be today, Sunday, September 12th and September 19th. Children making their First Holy Communion or 6th/7th graders preparing for Confirmation must be enrolled in the Sunday Catechism program, even homeschoolers. Information on the classes offered can be found below and on the back of the bulletin.

September Youth Group Event

Mark your calendars: Our next Youth Group meeting (ages 13—18) will be outdoor games and a bonfire on Saturday, September 18th. For more information and to R.S.V.P. contact us at

Second Collection

A second collection for the Haitian people and the Church impacted by the earthquake and Tropical Storm Grace will take place on Sunday, September 26. Please place your donation in an envelope marked Haiti 2021. Thank you for your generosity!

Pro-Life Banquet

Mater Dei Community will sponsor a table at the Pro-Life Banquet on  Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2021.  It will be held at the Radisson Hotel  Harrisburg  located at 1150 Camp Hill Bypass Camp Hill, Pa.  Tickets are 60.00 per person. If you are interested in attending, please contact the Office  by September 15th at

Mater Dei Catechism Program Class Offerings 2021-2022


All children making their 1st Communions must be a part of this class, even those who homeschool. There will be two exams with a priest in the spring—one before First Confessions and one before First Communion.  More information will be provided at the parent meeting on September 27th.


This class is intended for those children who have recently made their first communion.  The material will be geared towards 7 & 8-year-old children. The textbook is the Baltimore Catechism 1.


This class is geared towards 9 & 10-year-old children.  The book that is being used is entitled Know Your Mass, by Father Manousos and Father Burbank.


This class is intended for those children currently in grades 6 & 7.  The book that is being used is entitled Baltimore Catechism III by Seton Press.  Confirmation only takes place every other year, and will take place in the Spring/Summer of 2023. All children who will be making their Confirmation must be a part of this class for both years, even those who homeschool.

APOLOGETICS CLASS (10th-12th Grade)

St. Peter exhorts us to be "ready always to satisfy everyone that asketh you a reason of that hope which is in you" (1 Pet 3:15).  The apologetics course designed for high school students will equip students with the reasons and arguments to defend the teachings of our Catholic Faith and thus be able to share with others the cause of their hope.  The main text for the class will be Fr. John Laux's Catholic Apologetics.